WoRMS Photogallery
WoRMS Photogallery » Chromista - Bacillariophyceae (diatoms)
Meunier (1913, pl. 1)
Description 1 – 2. Chaetoceros atlanticum
3 – 5. Chaetoceros criophilum (synoniem van Chaetoceros concavicornis)
6 – 8. Chaetoceros convolutum
9 – 10. Chaetoceros boreale
11 – 13. Chaetoceros eibenii
14 – 18. Chaetoceros densum
19 – 26. Chaetoceros danicum
Author A. Meunier
JPG file - 1.69 MB - 2 855 x 3 763 pixels
added on 2008-07-1710 677 viewsWoRMS taxa Chaetoceros danicus Cleve, 1889 Chaetoceros densus (Cleve) Cleve, 1899 Chaetoceros borealis Bailey, 1854 Chaetoceros atlanticus Cleve, 1873 Chaetoceros concavicornis Mangin, 1917 Chaetoceros convolutus Castracane, 1886 Chaetoceros eibenii Grunow, 1882 Chaetoceros criophilus sensu Hust. In A. Schmidt, 1921, non Castr., 1886From reference Meunier, A. (1913). Microplankton de la Mer Flamande: 1. ...
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