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Polychaeta source details

Malmgren, Anders Johan. (1865). Nordiska Hafs-Annulater. [part one of three]. Öfversigt af Königlich Vetenskapsakademiens förhandlingar, Stockholm. 22(1): 51-110, plates VIII-XV.
Malmgren, Anders Johan
Nordiska Hafs-Annulater. [part one of three]
Öfversigt af Königlich Vetenskapsakademiens förhandlingar, Stockholm
22(1): 51-110, plates VIII-XV
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb). This is the first part of a three part work
[Introduction as follows:]
Dessa bidrag till nordiska Hafs-Annulaters kännedom innehålla några resultater i systematiskt och geografiskt afseende af de studier, jag haft tillfälle att egna åt de rika samlingar af Annulater från Spetsbergen, Grönland, Island och skilda trakter af Skandinavien, som förvaras i härvarande Riksmuseum. — Den spetsbergska samlingen, som jemte den skandinaviska är rikast både på arter och individer, är sammanbragt af S. Lovén 1837, O. Torell 1858, Goës, Smitt, och mig under den Torellska expeditionen 1861, samt af mig under den Nordenskiöldska expeditionen 1864. Lovén och Torell undersökte vestra kusten af Spetsbergen, Goës och Smitt delar af den norra och vestra från Treurenberg-bay till Isfjorden, och jag några trakter vid den norra kusten och vid Hinlopen-strait 1861, samt 1864 vid syd-vestkusten och vid Storfjorden. En betydlig samling från Nord-Grönland är 1859 hemtad af O. Torell, och Kapten Amondsen har från Syd- och Nord-Grönland anskaffat vackra bidrag. Från Island förvaras i Riksmuseum en innehållsrik samling, äfvenledes gjord af O. Torell under hans resa dit 1857. Största delen af den skandinaviska samlingen utgöres af de rika insamlingar Prof. S. Lovén gjort i skilda trakter af Bohuslän, i Christianiafjorden vid Dröbak, samt i Öst- och Vest-Finmarken. Till denna hafva bidrag under de sednare åren tillkommit från Vest-Finmarken af Goës, Smitt och mig, från Bohuslän af Goës, Smitt, Widegren och mig, samt från Östersjön af Widegren, Smitt och Lindström. Från södra och mellersta Norge äro tyvärr högst få arter representerade i denna annars så utmärkta samling.
De aldra flesta af teckningarne till taflorna äro utförda under min uppsigt. Men Prof Lovén har dessutom till mitt begagnande godhetsfullt upplåtit några af honom sjelf gjorda teckningar jemte en mängd andra sådana, utförda under Prof. Kinbergs ledning, af hvilka jag äfven här användt några.
Arctic Basin in general
Cold North Atlantic and Arctic together
Systematics, Taxonomy
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
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Alentia Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Alentia gelatinosa (M. Sars, 1835) (new combination reference)
Anaitis Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Paranaitis Southern, 1914 (original description)
Anaitis wahlbergi Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Paranaitis wahlbergi (Malmgren, 1865) (original description)
Antinoe sarsi Kinberg in Malmgren, 1866 accepted as Bylgides sarsi (Kinberg in Malmgren, 1866) (original description)
Aphrodita violacea Strøm, 1768 accepted as Harmothoe imbricata (Linnaeus, 1767) (source of synonymy)
Enipo Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Enipo kinbergi Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Eteone Savigny, 1822 (additional source)
Eteone depressa Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Eteone flava (Fabricius, 1780) (original description)
Eteone flava (Fabricius, 1780) (additional source)
Eteone pusilla Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Eteone lactea Claparède, 1868 accepted as Hypereteone lactea (Claparède, 1868) (original description)
Eteone pusilla Örsted, 1843 (additional source)
Eteone spetsbergensis Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Eucranta Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Eucranta villosa Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Eulalia Savigny, 1822 (additional source)
Eulalia bilineata (Johnston, 1840) (new combination reference)
Eulalia problema Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Eulalia bilineata (Johnston, 1840) (original description)
Eulalia viridis (Linnaeus, 1767) (additional source)
Eumida Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Eumida sanguinea (Örsted, 1843) (new combination reference)
Eunoe Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Eunoe nodosa (M. Sars, 1861) (new combination reference)
Eunoe oerstedi Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Evarne Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Harmothoe Kinberg, 1856 (original description)
Evarne impar (Johnston, 1839) accepted as Harmothoe impar (Johnston, 1839) (new combination reference)
Genetyllis Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Nereiphylla Blainville, 1828 (original description)
Genetyllis lutea Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Nereiphylla lutea (Malmgren, 1865) (original description)
Harmothoe imbricata (Linnaeus, 1767) (additional source)
Heteronereis Örsted, 1843 accepted as Nereis Linnaeus, 1758 (additional source)
Heteronereis grandifolia (Rathke, 1843) accepted as Nereis pelagica Linnaeus, 1758 (new combination reference)
Heteronereis middendorffi Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Nereis vexillosa Grube, 1851 (original description)
Heteronereis paradoxa Örsted, 1843 accepted as Nereis longissima Johnston, 1840 accepted as Eunereis longissima (Johnston, 1840) (source of synonymy)
Laenilla Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Harmothoe Kinberg, 1856 (original description)
Laenilla alba Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Laenilla glabra Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Harmothoe glabra (Malmgren, 1865) (original description)
Lagisca Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Melaenis Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Melaenis loveni Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Mysta Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Mysta barbata Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Nemidia Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Enipo Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Nemidia torelli Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Enipo torelli (Malmgren, 1865) (original description)
Nephthys incisa Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Nephtys incisa Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Nereis flava Fabricius, 1780 accepted as Eteone flava (Fabricius, 1780) (new combination reference)
Notophyllum Örsted, 1843 (additional source)
Notophyllum polynoide Örsted, 1845 accepted as Notophyllum foliosum (Sars, 1835) (additional source)
Nychia Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Gattyana McIntosh, 1897 (original description)
Nychia cirrosa (Pallas, 1766) accepted as Gattyana cirrhosa (Pallas, 1766) (new combination reference)
Pholoe assimilis Örsted, 1845 (source of synonymy)
Pholoe baltica Örsted, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Pholoe inornata Johnston, 1839 (source of synonymy)
Pholoe minuta (Fabricius, 1780) (additional source)
Phyllodoce Lamarck, 1818 (additional source)
Phyllodoce citrina Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Phyllodoce groenlandica Örsted, 1842 (additional source)
Phyllodoce teres Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Phyllodoce maculata (Linnaeus, 1767) (original description)
Sigalion idunae Rathke, 1843 accepted as Sthenelais boa (Johnston, 1833) (status source)
Sige Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Sige fusigera Malmgren, 1865 (original description)
Sthenelais boa (Johnston, 1833) (status source)
Holotype SMNH Type-233, geounit Spitsbergen, identified as Anaitis wahlbergi Malmgren, 1865
 Depth range

According to kato & Pleijel (2003: 385) the type material was collected at 20-30 fathoms (36.6-54.9 m).  [details]


Original diagnosis by Malmgren (1865: 100-101): "Corpus lineare antice posticeque paullum attenuatum, subdepressum. ... [details]


Arctic Ocean: Spitsbergen.  [details]

 Editor's comment

Usages as Eumida macroceros (Malmgren) are incorrect. Apparently listed in Hayward & Ryland (1990) as Eumida ... [details]

 Editor's comment

Eunoe oerstedi appears to be of doubtful validity as it is presented as an unnecessary new name for Polynoe scabra ... [details]


Not stated. The species is probably named in honour of Peter Fredrik Wahlberg (b. Gothenburg, Sweden, 19 June 1800 ... [details]


Unstated, and unknown, but possibly (speculation), as Mida was a minor goddess (of oaths), then Eumida was ... [details]


Not stated, but almost certainly after Eunoë, a nymph, a daughter of the river god Sangarius in Greek mythology. ... [details]


Not stated, uncertain. Maybe from the Latin word mysta or mystes, derived from the Greek and meaning in ancient and ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Feminine. Created as a recombination for Eulalia sanguinea Orsted, thus genus intended as feminine, as is Eulalia ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Feminine as Eunoë is a nymph, a feminine mythological person [details]


Not stated.  [details]


Type species undesignated between Laenilla glabra and Laenilla alba. Hartman 1959 Catalogue assigns L. glabra to ... [details]


The original spelling at the time is as Eunoë, with diaeresis. How it got modified to Eunoa is not yet known. [details]

 Type locality

Arctic Ocean, Norway, Svalbard Archipelago, Spitsbergen, Treurenberg Bay (= Sorgfjorden) (79º56'N, 16º50'E), ... [details]

 Type locality

Malmgren appears to give a collection area in the Skaggerak off the Swedish West coast from Bahusia (see Bohuslän) ... [details]

 Type locality

Bohuslän also known as Bahusia, western Swedish coast [details]

 Type species

The Eunoë type species is Polynoe nodosa. The first species Malmgren includes under Eunoë is E. oerstedi, ... [details]