WoRMS source details

Keferstein, Wilhelm. (1862). Untersuchungen über niedere Seethiere. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie. 12(1): 1-147 plates 1-11.
Keferstein, Wilhelm
Untersuchungen über niedere Seethiere
Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie
12(1): 1-147 plates 1-11
publication date 16.06.1862 according to table of contents
Systematics, Taxonomy
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2014-05-15 02:07:32Z
2016-04-02 02:31:02Z
2016-04-20 07:26:32Z
2018-08-14 07:49:13Z
2020-10-06 02:35:25Z
2024-08-03 12:58:08Z

Borlasia splendida Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Punnettia splendida (Keferstein, 1862) (original description)
Capitella rubicunda Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Notomastus latericeus Sars, 1851 (original description)
Cirratulus bioculatus Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Caulleriella bioculata (Keferstein, 1862) (original description)
Cirratulus borealis Lamarck, 1818 accepted as Cirratulus cirratus (O. F. Müller, 1776) (additional source)
Cirratulus filiformis Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Aphelochaeta filiformis (Keferstein, 1862) (original description)
Colobranchus ciliatus Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Malacoceros tetracerus (Schmarda, 1861) (original description)
Filograna implexa Berkeley, 1835 (additional source)
Glycera capitata Örsted, 1842 (additional source)
Glycera convoluta Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Glycera tridactyla Schmarda, 1861 (original description)
Lumbriconereis tingens Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Lumbrineris latreilli Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833 (original description)
Lysidice ninetta Audouin & H Milne Edwards, 1833 (additional source)
Nemertes octoculata (Johnston, 1828) accepted as Lineus ruber (Müller, 1774) (original description)
Nereis agilis Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Platynereis agilis (Keferstein, 1862) (original description)
Nereis beaucoudrayi Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833 accepted as Perinereis cultrifera (Grube, 1840) (additional source)
Oceania polycirrha Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Turritopsis polycirrha (Keferstein, 1862) (original description)
Polybostrichus muelleri Keferstein, 1862 (original description)
Polybostrichus mülleri [auct. original misspelling] accepted as Polybostrichus muelleri Keferstein, 1862 (basis of record)
Polybostrichus mülleri [auct. original misspelling] accepted as Polybostrichus muelleri Keferstein, 1862 (original description)
Prionognathus Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Dorvillea Parfitt, 1866 (original description)
Prionognathus ciliata Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Schistomeringos rudolphi (Delle Chiaje, 1828) (original description)
Prosorhochmus Keferstein, 1862 (original description)
Prosorhochmus claparedii Keferstein, 1862 (original description)
Psamathe cirrhata Keferstein, 1862 (original description)
Sarsia clavata Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Stauridiosarsia gemmifera (Forbes, 1848) (original description)
Siphonorhynchus Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Eutima McCrady, 1859 (original description)
Siphonorhynchus insignis Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Eutima gracilis (Forbes & Goodsir, 1853) (original description)
Syllis divaricata Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Nudisyllis divaricata (Keferstein, 1862) (original description)
Syllis oblonga Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Syllis variegata Grube, 1860 (original description)
Terebella gelatinosa Keferstein, 1862 accepted as Amphitritides gracilis (Grube, 1860) (original description)
Manche for Psamathe cirrhata Keferstein, 1862 
Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue for Oceania polycirrha Keferstein, 1862  (origin: native)

Prionognathus Keferstein, 1862 is a junior homonym to Prionognathus De La Ferté-Sénectère, 1851 in Coleoptera, ... [details]

 Type locality

Saint-Vaast-la-Hogue, Cotentin peninsula, Normandy coast, France, intertidal associated with oyster shell, ... [details]