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CaRMS source details

Margulis, L.; Schwartz, K.V. (1998). Five Kingdoms: an illustrated guide to the Phyla of life on earth. 3rd edition. Freeman: New York, NY (USA). ISBN 0-7167-3027-8. xx, 520 pp.
Margulis, L.; Schwartz, K.V.
Five Kingdoms: an illustrated guide to the Phyla of life on earth. 3rd edition.
Freeman: New York, NY (USA). ISBN 0-7167-3027-8. xx, 520 pp.
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
BibTex (BibDesk, LaTeX)
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Acanthocephala (basis of record)
Agnatha (basis of record)
Animalia (basis of record)
Annelida (additional source)
Appendicularia (basis of record)
Arthropoda (basis of record)
Ascomycota (basis of record)
Aves (basis of record)
Biota (basis of record)
Bryozoa (basis of record)
Cephalochordata (basis of record)
Chaetognatha (basis of record)
Chlorophyceae (additional source)
Chlorophyta (basis of record)
Chordata (basis of record)
Chrysomonada accepted as Heterokontophyta (basis of record)
Chrysophyceae (basis of record)
Ciliophora (basis of record)
Cnidaria (basis of record)
Cryptophyta (additional source)
Ctenophora (basis of record)
Cyanobacteria (basis of record)
Demospongiae (additional source)
Dictyochophyceae (basis of record)
Dinoflagellata (additional source)
Dinomastigota accepted as Dinophyta accepted as Dinophyceae (basis of record)
Discomitochondria (basis of record)
Echinodermata (basis of record)
Echiura (additional source)
Entoprocta (basis of record)
Flabellina (basis of record)
Foraminifera (basis of record)
Fungi (basis of record)
Gnathostomata (basis of record)
Gracilicutes (basis of record)
Gymnolaemata (basis of record)
Hyalodiscus Hertwig & Lesser, 1874 (basis of record)
Kinetoplastida accepted as Kinetoplastea (basis of record)
Larvacea accepted as Appendicularia (basis of record)
Lobosa accepted as Lobosea accepted as Tubulinea (basis of record)
Mammalia (basis of record)
Mollusca (basis of record)
Nematoda (basis of record)
Nemertina represented as Nemertea (basis of record)
Phaeophyta accepted as Phaeophyceae (basis of record)
Pisces (basis of record)
Plantae (basis of record)
Platyhelminthes (basis of record)
Polychaeta (additional source)
Prasinophyceae (additional source)
Protozoa (basis of record)
Raphidophyceae (basis of record)
Reptilia (basis of record)
Rhizopoda (basis of record)
Rhodophyceae accepted as Rhodophyta (basis of record)
Rhodophyta (additional source)
Rotifera (basis of record)
Sipuncula (additional source)
Stenolaemata (basis of record)
Tetrapoda (basis of record)
Tunicata (basis of record)
Ulvophyceae (additional source)
Vertebrata (basis of record)
Xanthophyta accepted as Xanthophyceae (basis of record)
Europe for Tetrapoda 
English gram-negative bacteria for Gracilicutes

Thorny-headed worms, or acanthocephalans, are parasites that live in the gut of vertebrates and - earlier in their ... [details]


The organisms within this group are limited to intestinal or coelomic tissue of benthic marine sipunculids [details]


A phylum of the protoctista [details]


Cryptophyta is also a valid synonym of Cryptomonada. [details]


The deuteromycotes are fungi that lack organs for sexual reproduction. The term "deuteromycotes" in the literature ... [details]


Flaggellates, zoomastigotes or zooflagellates are common synonyms of this phylum. [details]


According to Margulis & Schwartz, this genus belongs to the Zoomastigota [details]

 for Sarcodina

Superclass Rhizopado as mentioned in Hayward and Ryland is upgraded to the level of division by Margulis. Class ... [details]


Xanthophytes with chrysomonads and phaeophytes (excluding haptomonads) are sometimes grouped in one phylum ... [details]

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