Foraminifera source details
Abadehellopsis longlinensis (Lin, Li & Sun, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Abadehellopsis pauciseptata Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Abadehellopsis regularis (Lin, Li & Sun, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Abadehellopsis regularisaeformis (Lin, Li & Sun, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Climacammina elegans (Möller, 1879) † (new combination reference)
Climacammina longissimoides (Lee & Chen, 1930) † (new combination reference)
Cribrogenerina gigas (Suleymanov, 1949) † (new combination reference)
Deckerella bashkirica Morozova, 1949 † (new combination reference)
Ellesmerella Mamet & Roux in Mamet et al., 1987 † (redescription)
Ellesmerella subparallela (Flügel & Flügel-Kahler, 1980) † (new combination reference)
Ellesmerellidae Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Endothyra miriformis (Lin, 1985) † (new combination reference)
Eolasiodiscus donbacarnus Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Hayasakaina kozakiensis (Kanmera, 1963) † (new combination reference)
Henbestites Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Henbestites confusus Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Henbestites lucasi Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Henbestites reitlingerae (Igonin, 1998) † (new combination reference)
Latitubiphytes homannii Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Mesolasiodiscus grandis (Lipina, 1949) † accepted as Postmonotaxinoides grandis (Lipina, 1949) † (new combination reference)
Nankinella loeiensis Igo, Ueno & Sashida, 1993 † accepted as Hayasakaina kozakiensis (Kanmera, 1963) † (source of synonymy)
Nodosaria circumita Zolotova, 1980 † accepted as Nodosinelloides shikhanica (Lipina, 1949) † (source of synonymy)
Nodosinelloides aequiampla (Zolotova, 1980) † (new combination reference)
Nodosinelloides longa (Lipina, 1949) † (new combination reference)
Nodosinelloides longissima (Suleymanov, 1949) † (new combination reference)
Nodosinelloides mirabilis (Lipina, 1949) † (new combination reference)
Nodosinelloides netschajewi (Cherdynzev, 1914) † (new combination reference)
Nodosinelloides ronda (Lipina, 1949) † (new combination reference)
Nodosinelloides shikhanica (Lipina, 1949) † (new combination reference)
Oketaella ellipsoidalis (Leven, 1992) † (new combination reference)
Oketaella fusiformis (Zhang & Wang, 1985) † (new combination reference)
Oketaella guangxiensis (Huang in Huang & Zeng, 1984) † (new combination reference)
Paraellesmerella Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Paraellesmerella ocellata Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Paraskinnerella lutugini (Schellwien, 1908) † (new combination reference)
Paratriticites Kochansky-Devidé, 1969 † (redescription)
Paratriticites extumidus (Ross, 1959) † (new combination reference)
Paratriticites haydeni (Leven, 1971) † (new combination reference)
Paratriticites huananensis (Zhou, 1982) † (new combination reference)
Paratriticites hubleyi (Verville, Sanderson & Drowley, 1986) † (new combination reference)
Paratriticites ingavatae (Igo, Ueno & Sashida, 1993) † (new combination reference)
Paratriticites mikhailovi (Leven, 1971) † (new combination reference)
Paratriticites obvius (Chuvashov in Chuvashov, Dyupina, Mizens & Chernykh, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Paratriticites saranaensis (Chuvashov in Chuvashov, Dyupina, Mizens & Chernykh, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Paravervilleina Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Paravervilleina dualis (Baryshnikov, 1982) † (new combination reference)
Paravervilleina eximia (Lin, Li & Sun, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Paravervilleina farcimeniformis (K. Miklukho-Maklay, 1968) † (new combination reference)
Paravervilleina galinae (Sosnina, 1978) † (new combination reference)
Paravervilleina orienta (Sosnina, 1965) † (new combination reference)
Paravervilleina particulata (Baryshnikov, 1982) † (new combination reference)
Paravervilleina porrecta (Sosnina, 1980) † (new combination reference)
Perigondwania forkei Davydov, 2013 † (new combination reference)
Planoendothyra ultimata Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Praerectoglandulina Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Praerectoglandulina clava (Zolotova, 1980) † (new combination reference)
Praerectoglandulina conica (Miklukho-Maklay, 1954) † (new combination reference)
Praerectoglandulina costa (Lin, Li & Sun, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Praerectoglandulina deikovensis (Zolotova, 1980) † (new combination reference)
Praerectoglandulina geinitzinaeformis Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Praerectoglandulina imbecilla (Lin, Li & Sun, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Praerectoglandulina longa (Miklukho-Maklay, 1954) † (new combination reference)
Praerectoglandulina miklukhomaklayorum Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Praerectoglandulina ovalis (Baryshnikov, 1980) † (new combination reference)
Praerectoglandulina primitiva (Potievskaya, 1962) † (new combination reference)
Praerectoglandulina reliqua (Gerke, 1961) † (new combination reference)
Praerectoglandulina tschussovensis (Igonin, 1967) † (new combination reference)
Praerectoglandulina turae (Baryshnikov, 1982) † (new combination reference)
Praerectoglandulina wufengensis (Lin, Li & Sun, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Protonodosaria sagitta (Miklukho-Maklay, 1954) † (new combination reference)
Pseudoreichelina discoidea Ueno, 1992 † accepted as Pseudoreichelina slovenica (Kochansky-Devidé, 1966) † (source of synonymy)
Pseudovermiporella graiferi (Baryshnikov, 1982) † accepted as Palaeonubecularia graiferi (Baryshnikov, 1982) † (new combination reference)
Pseudovermiporellidae Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Pseudovidalina media (Wang, 1974) † (new combination reference)
Pseudovidalina modificata (Potievskaya, 1962) † accepted as Raphconilia modificata (Potievskaya, 1962) † (new combination reference)
Rectoendoteba Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Rectoendoteba tieni Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Ruzhenzevites croaticus (Milanović, 1982) † (new combination reference)
Sakmarella implicata (Schellwien, 1908) † (new combination reference)
Syzrania samarensis Rauzer-Chernousova in Igonin, 1967 † accepted as Syzrania pulchra Kireeva, 1958 † (source of synonymy)
Tauridiopsis Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Tauridiopsis guangxiensis (Lin, Li & Sun, 1990) † (new combination reference)
Tauridiopsis kahlerorum Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Tauridiopsis kamaensis (Baryshnikov, 1982) † (new combination reference)
Tauridiopsis longa (Baryshnikov, 1982) † (new combination reference)
Tauridiopsis nudiseptata (Gaillot & Vachard, 2007) † (new combination reference)
Tauridiopsis planocamerata (Sosnina, 1978) † (new combination reference)
Tauridiopsis venusta Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Tezaquina carnica Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Tubiphytes carinthiacus (Flügel, 1966) † (new combination reference)
Uralogordiopsis Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Uralogordiopsis beitepicus (Filimonova, 2010) † accepted as Uralogordiopsis beitepica (Filimonova, 2010) † (new combination reference)
Uralogordiopsis grozdilovae Vachard in Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser, 2019 † (original description)
Uralogordiopsis kungurensis (Zolotova, 1980) † (new combination reference)
Uralogordiopsis longus (Grozdilova, 1956) † accepted as Uralogordiopsis longa (Grozdilova, 1956) † (new combination reference)
Uralogordiopsis magnus (Rauzer-Chernousova in Akopian et al., 1974) † accepted as Uralogordiopsis magna (Rauzer-Chernousova in Akopian et al., 1974) † (new combination reference)
Uralogordiopsis mirabilis (Ueno, 1992) † (new combination reference)
Uralogordiopsis mirandus (Lipina, 1949) † accepted as Praeneodiscus mirandus (Lipina, 1949) † (new combination reference)
Uralogordiopsis ovatus (Grozdilova, 1956) † accepted as Uralogordiopsis ovata (Grozdilova, 1956) † (new combination reference)
Schubertelloidea fusiform to elongate fusiform, with a juvenarium, lenticular or discoidal, generally deviated at ... [details]
Shell long, cylindrical, tubular, rectilinear or slightly tapering, and undivided. Proloculus spherical more or ... [details]
Emended diagnosis: Encrusting groups of tubular chambers forming flat nodules or oncoids The elongate cylindrical ... [details]
Test free, planispirally coiled with small initial deviations; sometimes lately uncoiled. Profile of coiled part ... [details]
Tests inflated fusiform (Beedeininae) to elongate fusiform (Fusulininae, Eofusulininae, Quasifusulininae). Septal ... [details]
Test biserial, entirely planispiral or initially trochospiral, or entirely uncoiled, or trochospiral, becoming ... [details]
Test tubular, undivided, plane or plano-convex. Wall dark microgranular and hyaline, similar to the wall of the ... [details]
Description: Tubiphytid thick-walled and with a large, undivided chamber Wall dark, microgranular or porcelaneous. ... [details]
Staffelloids with rounded carinate to carinate periphery, medium to large-sized. Chomata weak. Wall ... [details]
Description: Test subcylindrical, chambers generally hemispherical, not enveloping, increasing very slowly in ... [details]
Description: Test attached, consisting in a single chamber with numerous whorls or of irregular aggregates of ... [details]
Medium sized to large to giant Schwagerinoidea, with very strong septal folding, small secondary apertures opened ... [details]
Schwagerinoidea elongate fusiform to subcylindrical, with strongly folded septa, an absence of central aperture ... [details]
Test shortly fusiform to fusiform, often asymmetrical. Early stage discoidal, deviated in comparison with the later ... [details]
Schwagerinoidea rhombic to fusiform, rarely globular, with very folded septa, an absence of central aperture with ... [details]
Description: First whorls more or less planispirally coiled with endothyroid chambers. Adult whorls uncoiled, ... [details]
Endoteboidea with a coiled, nearly planispiral, endothyroid (and/or multiseriate) initial stage, more or less ... [details]
Schwagerinoidea with chomata, and, commonly incompletely strong septal folding. Aperture central with a median ... [details]
Test and/or thallus constituted by a hemispherical to elongate pear-shaped mass of dark micrite with a ... [details]
Krainer et al. (2019, p. 99): "Encrusting groups of tubular chambers forming flat nodules or oncoids. The elongate ... [details]
Diagnosis: Encrusting groups of tubular chambers forming small crusts or isolated chambers The ellipsoidal ... [details]
Diagnosis: Test small to submillimetric (Height = 300–900 μm). From 5 to 9 chambers. Sagittal axial section ... [details]
Diagnosis: Test uniseriate, medium to large sized, similar to Nodosinelloides, i.e., bilayered, but the fibrous ... [details]