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IMIS Photogallery » Chromista - Foraminifera (foraminifers)
Calcarina calcar d'Orbigny in Deshayes, 1830
Calcarina calcar d'Orbigny in Deshayes, 1830
Description Le Calvez, Y. (1977). Révision des Foraminifères de la collection d'Orbigny. 2, Foraminifères de l'île de Cuba. Cahiers de Micropaléontologie, CNRS. 2: 1-131.
page(s): p. 15-16, pl. 2, figs. 1-5, 22-24 (lectotype fig. 5).
figs. 1-2, "topotype" from Cuba; 3-4, pustulous specimens from Tanzania coast (could belong to a variety according to Le Calvez); 5, lectotype MNHN FO 236-1; 22-24, figures from d'Orbigny (1839).
Author Le Coze, François JPG file - 3.40 MB - 2 002 x 2 640 pixelsmore
Extra information
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added on 2024-05-16432 views
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