Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS)
Persons | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Datasets[ report an error in this record ] |
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Organisms included in AlgaeBase are marine, freshwater and terrestrial algae, although currently the data for marine organisms are the most complete. Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), Rhodophyta (red algae), Phaeophyceae (brown algae), Chlorophyta (green algae), Discomitochondria (=Euglenophyta), Streptophyta (=Charophyta), Bacillariophyceae (diatoms), Dinoflagellata (dinoflagellates) and Cryptophyta are all treated, together with a number of smaller groups. For convenience, we have included sea-grasses, although these are flowering plants and not algae. The taxon Fungi appears in the "Taxonomy Browser" because of Mastodia, a genus of lichenized fungi first based on an Antarctic alga.
We are endeavouring to add as many names as possible to AlgaeBase, although in a number of instances no data are provided other than the names and the nomenclatural authorities. In other instances, the synonyms and current names and synonyms have not been connected up (and are labelled as "Provisional"). We think it important that searchers for names find them, and links are provided to GenBank, Index Nominum Algarum, and other sources that may provide additional information.
Data on this site are based mainly on published information. This information should always be verified by you, the user, prior to use, as is the normal practice. Distributional data are recorded on the basis of the name used in the publication in question, and some of these names may be misapplied. We are annotating such records as we become aware of them, but these notes are not available just now.
AlgaeBase is often a compromise of taxonomic opinions that may or may not reflect your particular conclusions. It is also a work in progress, and is thus incomplete. Please note that AlgaeBase is purely meant as an aid to taxonomic studies and not a definitive source in its own right. You should always check the information included prior to use.
During 2002-2011 AlgaeBase was funded by the Higher Education Authority and the then Department of Education & Science, Ireland, under the Priority Research for Third-level Insitutions (PRTLI) Programme Cycles 3 and 4 (itself funded by the EU Structural Funds Programme 2003-2013 and European Regional Development Fund) via the Ryan Institute, and by the European Union as the SeaweedAfrica project (2007-2005, INCO-DEV Contract ICA4-CT2001-10030). Acadian Seaplants Limited, Canada kindly subvents AlgaeBase annually.
Many organisations and people have funded, supported and contributed to AlgaeBase since its small beginnings on 20 March 1996. A full list is available on
Coordinates: MinLong: -177,5; MinLat: -81,9953 - MaxLong: 176,3824; MaxLat: 80,8088 [WGS84]