Van Soest (2017) suggests this species could be an Adreus. [details]
Van Soest's (1980) record of this species concerns Oceanapia carotta (Schmidt, 1870), according to Van Soest(2017: 45). [details]
Synonymy of Reniera ascidia and Rhizochalina amphirhiza is based on Van Soest, 2017: 43. [details]
According to Van Soest, 2017: 46, this species is a possible junior synonym of Oceanapia carotta (Schmidt, 1870). [details]
Uriz (2002) attempted to distinguish Tribrachium schmidtii and Kapnesolenia fisheri by using morphological and ... [details]
Caribbean records belong to Oceanapia ascidia (Schmidt, 1870). Azorean records likely belong to an undescribed species. [details]
There is a problem with the original description and depiction of Schmidt’s (1870) Cometella gracilior: he ... [details]
So far, no type specimen of this species has been positively identified and redescribed. A possible type specimen ... [details]