WoRMS taxon details
original description
Link, D. H. F. (1806-1808). Beschreibung der Naturalien-Sammlung der Universität zu Rostock. Adlers Erben. 1, pp. 1-50 [1806]; 2, pp. 51-100 [1807]; 3, pp. 101-165 [1807]; 4, pp. 1-30 [1807]; 5, pp. 1-38 [1808]; 6, pp. 1-38 [1808]., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/43301237 [details]
original description
(of Aphrastrea Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848) Milne Edwards, H.; Haime, J. (1848). Note sur la classification de la deuxième tribu de la famille des Astréides. <em>Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences, Paris.</em> 27: 490–497., available online at https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.part.29692 [details]
original description
(of Phymastrea Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848) Milne Edwards, H.; Haime, J. (1848). Note sur la classification de la deuxième tribu de la famille des Astréides. <em>Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences, Paris.</em> 27: 490–497., available online at https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.part.29692 [details]
original description
(of Favastrea de Blainville, 1830 †) Blainville, D. de. (1816-1830). Dictionnaire des Sciences naturelles. <em>Art. Planaire in Tom. 41. Paris 1826. p. 204-218. Art. Vers in Tom. 57. Paris 1828. p 530, 577-579. Planches, 2 partie: Règne organisé, Zoologie, Vers et Zoophytes. Paris 1816 to 1830. tab 40.</em> [details] 
original description
(of Phymastraea Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848) Milne Edwards, H.; Haime, J. (1848). Note sur la classification de la deuxième tribu de la famille des Astréides. <em>Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences, Paris.</em> 27: 490–497., available online at https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.part.29692 [details]
original description
(of Plerastrea Milne Edwards & Haime, 1851) Milne Edwards, H.; Haime, J. (1851). Monographie des polypiers fossiles des terrains palaeozoïques, précédée d'un tableau général de la classification des polypes. <em>Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Archives.</em> 5: 1–502, 20 pls., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/25098869 [details]
original description
(of Metastraea Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857 †) Milne Edwards H, Haime J. (1857). Histoire naturelle des coralliaires ou polypes proprement dits 2. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. 631 pp., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/12403706 [details]
original description
(of Prionastrea Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848) Milne Edwards, H.; Haime, J. (1848). Note sur la classification de la deuxième tribu de la famille des Astréides. <em>Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences, Paris.</em> 27: 490–497., available online at https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.part.29692 [details]
original description
(of Narcissastraea Pratz, 1883 †) Pratz E. (1883). Eocene Korallen aus der Lybischen Wüste. <em>Palaeontographica.</em> 30 (1): 219–238. [details]
original description
(of Astrophyllia Ehrenberg, 1834) Ehrenberg, C. G. (1834). Beiträge zur physiologischen Kenntniss der Corallenthiere im allgemeinen, und besonders des rothen Meeres, nebst einem Versuche zur physiologischen Systematik derselben. <em>Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin.</em> 1: 225-380., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/29725862 [details]
original description
(of Cellastrea Blainville, 1830 †) Blainville, H.M.D. de. (1830). Zoophytes. <em>In: Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles etc.</em> vol. 60. Strasbourg & Paris, F.G. Levrault and Le Normant., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/25318344 [details] 
original description
(of Plesiofavites Alloiteau, 1957 †) Alloiteau J. (1957). Contribution à la systématique des Madréporaires fossiles. <em>Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris.</em> pp 462. [details]
basis of record
Veron JEN. (1986). Corals of Australia and the Indo-Pacific. <em>Angus & Robertson Publishers.</em> [details]
additional source
Neave, Sheffield Airey. (1939-1996). Nomenclator Zoologicus vol. 1-10 Online. <em>[Online Nomenclator Zoologicus at Checklistbank. Ubio link has gone].</em> , available online at https://www.checklistbank.org/dataset/126539/about [details]
additional source
Budd AF, Fukami H, Smith ND, Knowlton N. (2012). Taxonomic classification of the reef coral family Mussidae (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia). <em>Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.</em> 166 (3): 465-529., available online at https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00855.x [details]
additional source
Yabe H, Sugiyama T. (1935). Revised list of the reef-corals from the Japanese seas and of the fossil reef corals of the raised reefs and the Ryukyu limestone of Japan. <em>Journal of the Geological Society of Japan.</em> 42: 379-403. page(s): 381, 386, 390 [details]
additional source
Cairns, S.D., L. Gershwin, F.J. Brook, P. Pugh, E.W. Dawson, O.V.; Ocaña, W. Vervoort, G. Williams, J.E. Watson, D.M. Opresko, P. Schuchert, P.M. Hine, D.P. Gordon, H.I. Campbell, A.J. Wright, J.A.Sánchez & D.G. Fautin. (2009). Phylum Cnidaria: corals, medusae, hydroids, myxozoans. <em>in: Gordon, D.P. (Ed.) (2009). New Zealand inventory of biodiversity: 1. Kingdom Animalia: Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia.</em> pp. 59-101., available online at https://repository.si.edu/handle/10088/8431 [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Huang D, Benzoni F, Fukami H, Knowlton N, Smith ND, Budd AF (2014) Taxonomic classification of the reef coral families Merulinidae, Montastraeidae, and Diploastraeidae (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 171: 277–355. [details]
additional source
Veron JEN, Marsh LM. (1988). Hermatypic corals of Western Australia : records and annotated species list. <em>Records Western Australian Museum Supplement.</em> 29: 1-136., available online at https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.60555 page(s): 29, 104 [details]
additional source
Gohar, H.A.F. (1940). Studies on the Xeniidae of the Red Sea: their ecology, physiology, taxonomy and phylogeny. <em>Publications of the Marine Biological Station, Ghardaqa (Red Sea).</em> 2: 25-118, plates 1-7. page(s): 42 [details]
additional source
Khalil HM, Fathy MS, Al Sawy SM. (2021). Quaternary corals (Scleractinia: Merulinidae) from the Egyptian and Saudi Arabian Red Sea Coast. <em>Geological Journal.</em> , available online at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/gj.4145?af=R [details]
additional source
Maragos, J. E.; Molina, M.; Kenyon, J. (2004). Palmyra Atoll coral data compiled from Townsend Cromwell 2000-2002, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2000-2001, and Sette 2004 surveys [Table 8]. UNPUBLISHED, UNPUBLISHED [details]
additional source
Maragos, J. E.; Schmerfeld, J. (2004). Coral survey from Howland Island National Wildlife Refuge, 1998-2004 [Table 3]. UNPUBLISHED, Unpublished page(s): 1 [details]
additional source
Maragos, J. E.; Kenyon, J. (2004). Rose Atoll coral data compiled from US Fish and Wildlife Service 1994, Townsend Cromwell 2002, and Sette 2004 surveys [Table 10]. UNPUBLISHED, Unpublished page(s): 1 [details]
additional source
Ono, S.; Reimer, J. D.; Tsukahara, J. (2007). Thriving cnidarian community on the volcanic coastline of Sakurajima Taisho Lava Field, southern Japan. Coral Reefs, 26, 95 page(s): 95 [details]
additional source
Smith FGW. (1954). Gulf of Mexico Madreporaria. <em>Fisheries Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service (U.S.).</em> 55, 291-295. page(s): 294 [details]
additional source
Tkachenko, K. S.; Wu, B. J.; Fang, L. S.; Fan, T. Y. (2007). Dynamics of a coral reef community after mass mortality of branching Acropora corals and an outbreak of anemones. Marine Biology, 151, 185-194 page(s): 187 [details]
Nontype WAM 950-85, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone [details]
From editor or global species database
Comparison There are no apomorphies for Favites that are consistent across data types, primarily due to the recovery of F. russelli and F. pentagona in distant parts of the molecular phylogeny. Few characters separate them from other Favites spp., such as the number of septa and distinctiveness of costa center clusters, and further studies are warranted to determine if they should be distinguished as separate genera. For reasons unknown, Favites rotundata Veron, Pichon and Wijsman-Best, 1977: 64 was placed in Favia by Veron, 2000, vol. 3: 124 although its 'coralla are subplocoid' (Veron et al., 1977: 64). Morphological and molecular analyses consistently recover this species within the Favites clade (Huang et al., 2011; Huang, 2012; Arrigoni et al., 2012), supporting its original placement within Favites. Favia marshae Veron, 2000, vol. 3: 122 was described as a morphologically similar species (see also Huang, 2012), but without molecular data to justify this affinity, we preserve its membership within Dipsastraea. The name Montastraea valenciennesi has been applied on two disparate plocoid species differing in the degree of separation between adjacent corallite walls (Fukami and Nomura, 2009). Presumably, the 'corallite-wall separate type' is a Dipsastraea species, while the 'corallite-wall fusion type' is the one recovered within the Favites clade (Huang et al., 2011). Based on thin section observations, we find no difference in wall separation between the two types. However, two synapomorphies of the most inclusive Favites clade omitting F. pentagona—septa in 4 or more cycles and strong costa center clusters—are clearly present in the specimen recovered within the Favites clade (TB102). The specimen also possesses unequal costosepta and well-developed paliform lobes that are found in Milne Edwards and Haime's holotype of Phymastrea valenciennesi. These traits are missing in the other type, which should therefore be considered as a cryptic Dipsastraea species (Huang et al., 2014). [details]
Description 'Wabenkoralle. Unförmige, kalkartige Massen, mit oberflæchlichen zerstreuten sternförmig blættrigen Öffnungen.' (Link, 1807: 162) [details]
Diagnosis Colonial, with intra- and extracalicular budding. Corallites monomorphic and discrete (1–3 centers); monticules absent. Coenosteum costate, limited amount (includes double wall) or fused walls. Calice width medium (4–15 mm), but may be larger (>15 mm), with medium relief (3–6 mm). Costosepta may be confluent. Septa generally in ≥ 4 cycles (≥ 48 septa). Free septa present but irregular. Septa spaced 6–11 septa per 5 mm. Costosepta unequal in relative thickness. Columellae trabecular and spongy (> 3 threads), < 1/4 of calice width, and continuous among adjacent corallites. Paliform (uniaxial) lobes weak to well developed. Epitheca well developed and endotheca generally abundant (vesicular). Tooth base at mid-calice circular. Tooth tip at mid-calice irregular; tip orientation perpendicular to septum. Tooth height medium (0.3–0.6 mm) and tooth spacing medium (0.3–1 mm), with > 6 teeth per septum. Granules scattered on septal face; irregular in shape. Interarea palisade. Walls formed by dominant paratheca and partial septotheca; abortive septa absent. Thickening deposits fibrous. Costa center clusters generally strong; 0.3–0.6 mm between clusters; medial lines weak. Septum center clusters weak; 0.3–0.5 mm between clusters; medial lines weak or strong. Transverse crosses generally present. Columella centers clustered. [details]
Remark Favites Link, 1807: 162 has been a difficult genus to define. By convention, species tend to have 'cerioid, occasionally subplocoid' (Veron, 2000, vol. 3: 134) corallites. There is now little doubt that the clade with the majority of Favites spp., including the type species F. abdita, also contains species with fully plocoid corallites such as Phymastrea valenciennesi Milne Edwards and Haime, 1849, vol. 12: 124 and Montastrea colemani Veron, 2000, vol. 3: 219 (Arrigoni et al., 2012), while Montastraea magnistellata Chevalier, 1971: 293 is sister to this clade (Huang et al., 2011; Huang, 2012). In this sense, Favites has been a paraphyletic group. The solution proposed here is thus to move the three species above into Favites. On the one hand, recovery of Favites pentagona, F. russelli and F. peresi (a Goniastrea sp. according to Veron, 2000, vol. 3: 166) separately in distant lineages renders the genus polyphyletic (Huang et al., 2011; Arrigoni et al., 2012). We resolve this partially by moving F. peresi into the new genus Paramontastraea Huang and Budd. On the other hand, we find limited morphological basis for transferring F. pentagona out of the genus because it is the sister group to the rest of Favites on the morphology tree. Favites micropentagonus 'looks like a diminutive form of the well know [sic] Favites pentagona' (Veron, 2002: 148) and is thus a likely sister species of F. pentagona. For both species, further molecular sampling will clarify their affinities. Favites bestae is a junior synonym of Astraea melicerum Ehrenberg, 1834: 320 described by Veron, 2000, vol. 3: 140 (see also Veron, 2002: 150), while the latter name is sometimes considered a synonym of F. pentagona (Matthai, 1914: 95; Chevalier, 1971: 215; see also Wijsman-Best, 1972: 30). The reason given for establishing this species is that the holotype of the senior synonym had been lost, and thus the name F. melicerum is 'unverifiable'. Since Veron, 2000, vol. 3: 140 deems F. bestae to be a separate species from F. pentagona, by extension F. melicerum is also regarded as distinct from F. pentagona, a view held by Vaughan, 1918: 112. The use of Favites bestae as a 'new name' or 'nomen novum' is considered unncessary since it is neither a replacement for a preoccupied name (Article 60.3 of the Code; see Hoeksema, 1993) nor a substitute for an unavailable or invalid name (Article 23.3.5 of the Code). Nevertheless, a neotype needs to be designated for its senior synonym F. melicerum, a task undertaken by Huang et al. (2014). [details]Unreviewed
Description Colonies are usually massive, either flat or dome-shaped. Corallites are monocentric and cerioid, occasionally subplocoid. Adjacent corallites mostly share common walls. Paliform lobes are often poorly developed. Polyps are extended only at night and have a single circle of tapering tentacles like Favia (Veron, 1986 <57>). [details]
Remark Type species: Favites astrinus Link, 1807 from an unknown locality Veron, 1986). [details]
Language | Name | |
English |
worm coralmoon coralhoneycomb coralshoneycomb coralclosed brain coral |
[details] |
German |
Wabenkorallen |
[details] |
Japanese |
カメノコキクメイシ属 |
[details] |
From editor or global species database
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