This family is not in a seperate order, but is member of Nemaliales [details]
This genus is not in a seperate family and order, but is member of Phyllophoraceae, Gigartinales [details]
Analogous to Dixon [details]
Belongs to suborder Eurysporina (together with Chloromyxidae and Parvicapsulidae) [details]
Belongs to suborder Eurysporina (together with Ceratomyxidae and Parvicapsulidae) [details]
This family is not in a seperate order, but is member of Cryptonemiales [details]
Parker (1982) says that Dinophysiales belongs to the Family Dinophysidae [details]
This family is not in a seperate order, but is a part of the Bangiales [details]
The only algal class of Euglenozoa: chloroplast with triple envelope [details]
According to Parker, Hemistasia is an euglenid [details]
Belongs to suborder Bipolarina (together with Sinuolineidae) [details]
Belongs to suborder Eurysporina (together with Chloromyxidae and Ceratomyxidae) [details]
According to Parker, this family is a part of the Goniotrichales [details]
Protoperidinium is included in Peridiniaceae by Parker [details]
This family is not in a seperate order, but is member of Gigartinales [details]
According to Parker, this Genus (Syringoderma) belongs to the Sphacelariales, Sphacelariaceae [details]
According to Parker, this family is historically associated with Saprolegniales, but is now thought to be more ... [details]
According to Parker, there is one sole family within the Tecina and that is Thecamoebidae, in which the Platyamoeba ... [details]
Cosmopolitan in litoral zones of warm seas [details]
Spelled Bodinidae in the printed version of ERMS [details]
Parker (1982) says Amphisolenia belongs to the Family Amphisoleniaceae. [details]
Parker (1982) includes Blepharocysta in the Family Podolampaceae [details]
Parker (1982) says that Citharistes belongs to the Family Dinophysiaceae [details]
According to Parker (1982) Dissodium belongs to the Family Peridiniaceae [details]
Parker (1982) says that Heterocapsa belongs to the Family Peridiniaceae [details]
Parker (1982) says that Histioneis belongs to the Family Dinophysiaceae [details]
Parker (1982) says that Oblea belong to the Family Peridiniaceae [details]
Parker (1982) says that Ornithocercus belongs to the Family Dinophysiaceae [details]
Parker (1982) includes the Ordo Prorocentrales in the Subclassis Dinophycidae [details]
Parker (1982) includes the Ordo Pyrocystales in the Subclassis Dinophycidae [details]
Validity of the species doubtful [details]