Basionym is orphan taxon in synonymised genus. Awaiting revision. Possibly a synonym. Close to G. antarctica fide ... [details]
data-entry spelling error in species epithet of 'lobopygidata' corrected to 'lobopygidiata' [GBR June 2016] [details]
Could not find a literature usage of the misspelling. It appears to be an original data-entry lapsus by Fauchald. [details]
In the original database data entry for aphia 334692 Fauchald recorded the authority of Pterolysippe vanelli as ... [details]
As known records are from the shallows in the Baltic Sea, a deepsea presence seems unlikely. Inclusion as a deepsea ... [details]
The species is named after Pavel Vladimirovich Uschakov [details]
The recombination of Sosanopsis wireni Hessle, 1917 into Sosane makes Sosane wireni Caullery, 1944 an unreplaced ... [details]
As Nereis gracilis comb nov.. Jirkov gets the original genus spelling, and the original date wrong. He has ... [details]
lapsus introduced in Jirkov (2001:248). [details]
Day (1964:118) tentatively placed Eclysippe in Samythella Verrill, and later (1973:113) confirmed this synonymy. ... [details]
Combination suggested if Samytha is synonym of Lysippe, but the proposal of this by Jirkov currently appears not to ... [details]
May be a junior synonym of Paramphitrite birulai (Ssolowiew, 1899) according to Jirkov (2001: 519). Subsequently ... [details]
Although multiple authors regarded Sosanopsis as valid, including up to Hilbig (2000), in 2001 Jirkov merged it ... [details]
Pettibone 1954 included Eunoe barbata in Eunoe oerstedi. However Jirkov 2001 describes both and treats E. barbata ... [details]
Solowetia malmgreni Ssolowiew, 1899 was considered to be a junior synonym of Proclea graffii (Langerhans, 1884) by ... [details]