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Polychaeta source details

Blake, J.A. 1996. Family Spionidae Grube, 1850. pages 81-223. IN: Blake, James A.; Hilbig, Brigitte; and Scott, Paul H. Taxonomic Atlas of the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and Western Santa Barbara Channel. 6 - The Annelida Part 3. Polychaeta: Orbiniidae to Cossuridae. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Santa Barbara
Kristian Fauchald's Polychaeta DB
2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Aonides glandulosa Blake, 1996 (original description)
Apoprionospio pygmaea (Hartman, 1961) (redescription)
Atherospio Mackie & Duff, 1986 (source of synonymy)
Carazziella calafia Blake, 1979 (redescription)
Dipolydora Verrill, 1881 (status source)
Dipolydora aciculata (Blake & Kudenov, 1978) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora akaina Blake, 1996 (original description)
Dipolydora alborectalis (Radashevsky, 1993) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora antonbruunae (Blake, 1983) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora armata (Langerhans, 1880) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora barbilla (Blake, 1981) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora bidentata (Zachs, 1933) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora bifurcata (Blake, 1981) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora blakei (Maciolek, 1984) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora capensis (Day, 1955) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora cardalia (Berkeley, 1927) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora caulleryi (Mesnil, 1897) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora coeca (Örsted, 1843) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora commensalis (Andrews, 1891) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora concharum (Verrill, 1879) (status source)
Dipolydora elegantissima (Blake & Woodwick, 1972) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora flava (Claparède, 1870) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora giardi (Mesnil, 1893) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora goreensis (Augener, 1918) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora hartmanae (Blake, 1971) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora langerhansi (Mesnil, 1896) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora magellanica (Blake, 1983) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora normalis (Day, 1957) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora notialis (Blake & Kudenov, 1978) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora peristomialis (Hartman, 1976) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora pilikia (Ward, 1981) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora pilocollaris (Blake & Kudenov, 1978) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora protuberata (Blake & Kudenov, 1978) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora quadrilobata (Jacobi, 1883) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora socialis (Schmarda, 1861) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora tentaculata (Blake & Kudenov, 1978) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora tetrabranchia (Hartman, 1945) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora tridenticulata (Woodwick, 1964) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora trilobata (Radashevsky, 1993) accepted as Dipolydora giardi (Mesnil, 1893) (new combination reference)
Dipolydora vulcanica (Radashevsky, 1994) (new combination reference)
Laonice cirrata (M. Sars, 1851) (redescription)
Laonice nuchala Blake, 1996 (original description)
Leucodore socialis Schmarda, 1861 accepted as Dipolydora socialis (Schmarda, 1861) (source of synonymy)
Malacoceros indicus (Fauvel, 1928) (redescription)
Microspio microcera (Dorsey, 1977) (redescription)
Microspio pigmentata (Reish, 1959) (redescription)
Microspio spinosa Blake, 1996 (original description)
Morants Chamberlin, 1919 accepted as Spiophanes Grube, 1860 (source of synonymy)
Morants duplex Chamberlin, 1919 accepted as Spiophanes duplex (Chamberlin, 1919) (new combination reference)
Neoboccardia Buzhinskaja, 1985 accepted as Boccardia Carazzi, 1893 (source of synonymy)
Paraprionospio pinnata (Ehlers, 1901) (redescription)
Polydora (Polydora) caulleryi Mesnil, 1897 accepted as Dipolydora caulleryi (Mesnil, 1897) (new combination reference)
Polydora (Polydora) giardi Mesnil, 1893 accepted as Dipolydora giardi (Mesnil, 1893) (new combination reference)
Polydora aciculata Blake & Kudenov, 1978 accepted as Dipolydora aciculata (Blake & Kudenov, 1978) (source of synonymy)
Polydora alborectalis Radashevsky, 1993 accepted as Dipolydora alborectalis (Radashevsky, 1993) (source of synonymy)
Polydora alloporis Light, 1970 (redescription)
Polydora antonbruunae Blake, 1983 accepted as Dipolydora antonbruunae (Blake, 1983) (source of synonymy)
Polydora armata Langerhans, 1880 accepted as Dipolydora armata (Langerhans, 1880) (source of synonymy)
Polydora barbilla Blake, 1981 accepted as Dipolydora barbilla (Blake, 1981) (source of synonymy)
Polydora bidentata Zachs, 1933 accepted as Dipolydora bidentata (Zachs, 1933) (new combination reference)
Polydora bifurcata Blake, 1981 accepted as Dipolydora bifurcata (Blake, 1981) (new combination reference)
Polydora bioccipitalis Blake & Woodwick, 1972 (redescription)
Polydora blakei Maciolek, 1984 accepted as Dipolydora blakei (Maciolek, 1984) (source of synonymy)
Polydora brevipalpa Zachs, 1933 (redescription)
Polydora caeca (Örsted, 1843) accepted as Dipolydora coeca (Örsted, 1843) (new combination reference)
Polydora capensis Day, 1955 accepted as Dipolydora capensis (Day, 1955) (new combination reference)
Polydora cardalia Berkeley, 1927 accepted as Dipolydora cardalia (Berkeley, 1927) (source of synonymy)
Polydora carunculata Radashevsky, 1993 accepted as Dipolydora carunculata (Radashevsky, 1993) (source of synonymy)
Polydora caulleryi Mesnil, 1897 accepted as Dipolydora caulleryi (Mesnil, 1897) (source of synonymy)
Polydora cirrosa Rioja, 1943 (redescription)
Polydora commensalis Andrews, 1891 accepted as Dipolydora commensalis (Andrews, 1891) (source of synonymy)
Polydora cornuta Bosc, 1802 (redescription)
Polydora elegantissima Blake & Woodwick, 1972 accepted as Dipolydora elegantissima (Blake & Woodwick, 1972) (source of synonymy)
Polydora flava Claparède, 1870 accepted as Dipolydora flava (Claparède, 1870) (new combination reference)
Polydora flava bidentata Zachs, 1933 accepted as Dipolydora bidentata (Zachs, 1933) (source of synonymy)
Polydora giardi Mesnil, 1893 accepted as Dipolydora giardi (Mesnil, 1893) (new combination reference)
Polydora goreensis Augener, 1918 accepted as Dipolydora goreensis (Augener, 1918) (source of synonymy)
Polydora hartmanae Blake, 1971 accepted as Dipolydora hartmanae (Blake, 1971) (source of synonymy)
Polydora heterochaeta Rioja, 1939 (redescription)
Polydora langerhansi Mesnil, 1896 accepted as Dipolydora langerhansi (Mesnil, 1896) (source of synonymy)
Polydora limicola Annenkova, 1934 (redescription)
Polydora magellanica Blake, 1983 accepted as Dipolydora magellanica (Blake, 1983) (new combination reference)
Polydora narica Light, 1969 (additional source)
Polydora normalis Day, 1957 accepted as Dipolydora normalis (Day, 1957) (source of synonymy)
Polydora notialis Blake & Kudenov, 1978 accepted as Dipolydora notialis (Blake & Kudenov, 1978) (source of synonymy)
Polydora nuchalis Woodwick, 1953 (redescription)
Polydora peristomialis Hartman, 1976 accepted as Dipolydora peristomialis (Hartman, 1976) (new combination reference)
Polydora pilikia Ward, 1981 accepted as Dipolydora pilikia (Ward, 1981) (new combination reference)
Polydora pilocollaris Blake & Kudenov, 1978 accepted as Dipolydora pilocollaris (Blake & Kudenov, 1978) (source of synonymy)
Polydora protuberata Blake & Kudenov, 1978 accepted as Dipolydora protuberata (Blake & Kudenov, 1978) (source of synonymy)
Polydora pygidialis Blake & Woodwick, 1972 (redescription)
Polydora quadrilobata Jacobi, 1883 accepted as Dipolydora quadrilobata (Jacobi, 1883) (new combination reference)
Polydora rickettsi Woodwick, 1961 (additional source)
Polydora saintjosephi Eliason, 1920 accepted as Dipolydora saintjosephi (Eliason, 1920) (new combination reference)
Polydora socialis (Schmarda, 1861) accepted as Dipolydora socialis (Schmarda, 1861) (new combination reference)
Polydora spongicola Berkeley & Berkeley, 1950 (redescription)
Polydora tentaculata Blake & Kudenov, 1978 accepted as Dipolydora tentaculata (Blake & Kudenov, 1978) (source of synonymy)
Polydora tetrabranchia Hartman, 1945 accepted as Dipolydora tetrabranchia (Hartman, 1945) (new combination reference)
Polydora tridenticulata Woodwick, 1964 accepted as Dipolydora tridenticulata (Woodwick, 1964) (new combination reference)
Polydora trilobata Radashevsky, 1993 accepted as Dipolydora giardi (Mesnil, 1893) (new combination reference)
Nontype Private, geounit California, identified as Pseudatherospio fauchaldi Lovell, 1994
Nontype Private, geounit California, identified as Aonides glandulosa Blake, 1996
Nontype Private, geounit Puget Sound, identified as Aonides glandulosa Blake, 1996
Paratype SBMNH 143200, geounit California, identified as Laonice nuchala Blake, 1996
Holotype USNM 172545, geounit California, identified as Aonides glandulosa Blake, 1996
Paratype USNM 172546, geounit California, identified as Aonides glandulosa Blake, 1996
Holotype USNM 172548, geounit California, identified as Prionospio (Prionospio) jubata Blake, 1996
Holotype USNM 172551, geounit California, identified as Laonice nuchala Blake, 1996
Paratype USNM 172552, geounit California, identified as Laonice nuchala Blake, 1996
Paratype USNM 172557, geounit Point Arguello, identified as Pygospiopsis occipitalis Blake, 1996
Holotype USNM 172558, geounit Point Arguello, identified as Pygospiopsis occipitalis Blake, 1996
Paratype LACM AHF Poly 1832, geounit California, identified as Aonides glandulosa Blake, 1996
Paratype LACM AHF Poly1806-7, geounit California, identified as Laonice nuchala Blake, 1996

A case can be made that strictly Day's (1961) name is infrasubspecific and unavailable from 1961. Blake (1996:132) ... [details]


Foster (1971) used Microspio downgraded to a subgenus of Spio. However, mostly it is treated as a full genus in ... [details]

 Depth range

Subtidal to about 200 m. [details]

 Depth range

Intertidal to 90 m. [details]

 Depth range

Intertidal. [details]

 Depth range

90-395 m.  [details]

 Depth range

Not stated by the author. Type said to be intertidal by Blake (1996: 149) and Meißner (2005: 31). [details]

 Depth range

197-530 m. [details]


Diagnosis by Blake (1996: 188): "Prostomium deeply incised along anterior margin, forming 2 prominent lobes, ... [details]


Eastern Pacific, Puget Sound to central California (USA).  [details]


Eastern Pacific Ocean: from Monterey Bay (California, USA) to Gulf of California (Mexico). According to Blake ... [details]


Northern California, in the vicinity of Tomales Point (USA, Pacific Ocean). [details]


Pacific Ocean, central California to Western Santa Barbara Channel (USA).  [details]


Pacific Ocean: USA, California (Santa Maria Basin and off Huntington Beach).  [details]


Pacific Ocean, California (USA), off Point Arguello. Known only from the type locality.  [details]


The specific epithet glandulosa is the feminine of the Latin adjective glandulosus, meaning 'full of glands', and ... [details]


The specific epithet nuchala is derived from the Medieval Latin, nucha, meaning 'nape of the neck', and refers to ... [details]


The specific epithet occipitalis is a Latin adjective, meaning 'occipital' or 'pertaining to the back of the head', ... [details]


Not stated. Occurs at subtidal to shelf depths.  [details]


In substrata composed mostly of sand, sometimes mixed with mud, from intertidal to shelf depths.  [details]


Boring into intertidal coralline alga Lithophyllum pacificum[details]


Outer continental shelf, in mixed sand and silt sediments.  [details]


In sediments of mixed sand and silt, at shelf depths.  [details]


Muddy sediments, at outer shelf and upper slope depths.  [details]


Continental slope, at bathyal depths.  [details]


One paratype was an ovigerous female with clusters of oocytes in anterior chaetigers and free oocytes posteriorly, ... [details]


Blake (1996:192) writes "there can be no doubt that P. carunculata is the same as D. socialis". Radashevsky (1993) ... [details]


Moved to different genus. [details]

 Type locality

Pacific Ocean, USA, California, near head of Carmel Canyon (36º27.49'N, 121º59.44'W), ca. 200 m.  [details]

 Type locality

Pacific Ocean, USA, California, Santa Barbara Basin, off Point Sal (34º43.01'N, 120º47.39'W), 92 m.  [details]

 Type locality

Pacific Ocean, USA, California, Santa Barbara Basin, off Point Arguello (34º26.29'N, 120º58.08'W), 930 m.  [details]

 Type material

Smithsonian Institution, Washington, USA (holotype: USNM 175258; paratypes: USNM 172557).  [details]