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Polychaeta source details

Moore, J.P. (1903). Polychaeta from the coastal slope of Japan and from Kamchatka and Bering Sea. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 55: 401-490, plates XXIII-XXVII.
Moore, J.P.
Polychaeta from the coastal slope of Japan and from Kamchatka and Bering Sea
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
55: 401-490, plates XXIII-XXVII
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb)

     Hitherto our knowledge of Japanese Polychaeta has been limited to collections made in the littoral zone at several points along the southeastern coast between Yokohama and Nagasaki and ably described in three papers by v. Marenzeller, a few species from the Japan Sea described by Grube and McIntosh, and to the results of about half a dozen dredge and trawl hauls made by the "Challenger" at points off Japan, which have been recorded by McIntosh.
     At the close of an extended cruise in the South Pacific Ocean, the United States Fish Commission steamer "Albatross" spent the month of May and part of June, 1900, in dredging and trawling along the continental slope of Japan. During this cruise the vessel was in command of Captain J.F. Moser, U.S.N., with Dr. H.F. Moore as naturalist, to whom, and to Dr. H.M. Smith, of the Fish Commission, I owe the pleasure of studying the rich and interesting collection of Polychaeta taken.
     During May a line of about seventy dredging stations was run along the coast of Nippon or Hanshu from Yokohama westward about 200 miles, through Sagami and Suruga Bays and the Totomi Sea. These stations were mostly along the steep slope on the inner border of the Black Current, and about or within the 100-fathom line, though the trawl was sometimes sent down to much greater depths. In early June, ten additional stations were established along the coast of northern Nippon, beginning at the lower end of Sendai Bay and extending for about 120 miles northward, entirely within the 100-fathom line. Later in June several dredgings were made in the shallow waters and muddy bottoms off Kamchatka, and others north of the Aleutian Islands in the southern portion of Bering Sea. The details of location, depth, character of bottom, etc., will be found in a list of dredging records of the "Albatross" compiled by Mr. C.H. Townsend, and pubhshed in the Report of the U.S. Fish Commission for 1900. In this paper it has been thought necessary to give only the depth and general locality, together with a list of the station numbers at which each species was taken.
     All of the species contained in the collection have been determined and, with the exception of the families Sabellidae and Serpulidae and several species of other families which have been reserved for further study and comparison with material not now available, are recorded in the following list. A large number of species, either new or hitherto unreported from that region, are added to the Japanese fauna. One of the surprises of this study has been the very small number of Marenzeller's species which were taken by the "Albatross." Of the species previously known most of them belong to the circumboreal fauna, several were dredged by the "Challenger" at points off Japan, and the others have been recorded from various more or less distant parts of the world. As Marenzeller has in preparation an account of the geographical relations of the Japanese Polychaeta, nothing more need be said on this subject. The general results remind one of those attained by Verrill along the Gulf Stream slope of North America.
Boreal western Pacific
Kamchatka Peninsula
Systematics, Taxonomy
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Amphitrite bifurcata Moore, 1903 accepted as Neoamphitrite ramosissima (Marenzeller, 1884) (original description)
Aricia fimbriata Moore, 1903 accepted as Phylo fimbriata (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Axiothea campanulata Moore, 1903 accepted as Maldanella harai (Izuka, 1902) (original description)
Chaetozone spinosa Moore, 1903 (original description)
Cirratulus gibbosus Moore, 1903 accepted as Timarete gibbosa (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Clymene mirabilonga Moore, 1903 accepted as Isocirrus mirabilonga (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Eumidia caeca Moore, 1903 accepted as Paranaitis caeca (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Eunice gracilis Moore, 1903 accepted as Eunice japonica Fauchald, 1992 (original description)
Eunice medicina Moore, 1903 (original description)
Eunice mucronata Moore, 1903 (original description)
Eunice northioidea Moore, 1903 (original description)
Eunice quinquifida Moore, 1903 (original description)
Goniada (Leonnatus) (Kinberg, 1866) accepted as Goniada Audouin & H Milne Edwards, 1833 (basis of record)
Goniada (Leonnatus) foliacea Moore, 1903 accepted as Ophioglycera foliacea (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Goniada distorta Moore, 1903 accepted as Goniada vorax (Kinberg, 1866) (original description)
Hylosynda [Auct. genus misspelling] accepted as Halosydna Kinberg, 1856 (basis of record)
Hylosynda carinata Moore, 1903 accepted as Hyperhalosydna striata (Kinberg, 1856) (original description)
Hylosynda magnacornuta Moore, 1903 accepted as Lepidasthenia magnacornuta (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Laetmatonice pellucida Moore, 1903 accepted as Laetmonice pellucida Moore, 1903 (original description)
Laranda robusta Moore, 1903 accepted as Drilonereis robustus (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Lepidonotus (Hylosydna) vexillarius Moore, 1903 accepted as Halosydna brevisetosa Kinberg, 1856 (original description)
Lepidonotus branchiferus Moore, 1903 accepted as Euphione branchifera (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Lepidonotus caelorus Moore, 1903 (original description)
Lepidonotus chitoniformis Moore, 1903 accepted as Euphione chitoniformis (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Loimia arborea Moore, 1903 (original description)
Maldane coronata Moore, 1903 accepted as Metasychis gotoi (Izuka, 1902) (original description)
Nephthys brachycephala Moore, 1903 accepted as Nephtys brachycephala Moore, 1903 (original description)
Nereis paucidentata Moore, 1903 accepted as Ceratonereis (Composetia) paucidentata (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Nereis pusilla Moore, 1903 accepted as Composetia moorei (Imajima, 1972) (original description)
Nereis pusilla Müller in Fabricius, 1780 accepted as Nereimyra aphroditoides (O. Fabricius, 1780) (original description)
Nicomache inornata Moore, 1903 (original description)
Ninoe palmata Moore, 1903 (original description)
Northia geophiliformis Moore, 1903 accepted as Nothria geophiliformis (Moore, 1903) accepted as Onuphis geophiliformis (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Notocirrus zonata Moore, 1903 accepted as Arabella zonata (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Onuphis cirrobranchiata Moore, 1903 accepted as Anchinothria cirrobranchiata (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Paranorthia Moore, 1903 accepted as Rhamphobrachium (Spinigerium) Paxton, 1986 (original description)
Paranorthia brevicornuta Moore, 1903 accepted as Rhamphobrachium (Spinigerium) brevicornutum (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Polymnia nesidensis japonica Moore, 1903 accepted as Eupolymnia congruens (Marenzeller, 1884) (original description)
Polynoa semierma Moore, 1903 accepted as Lepidasthenia interrupta (Marenzeller, 1902) (original description)
Praxilla challengeriae McIntosh, 1885 accepted as Praxillella challengeriae (McIntosh, 1885) (additional source)
Restio Moore, 1903 accepted as Eupanthalis McIntosh, 1876 (original description)
Restio aenus Moore, 1903 accepted as Eupanthalis aena (Moore, 1903) (original description)
Scalisetosus formosus Moore, 1903 accepted as Pottsiscalisetosus praelongus (Marenzeller, 1902) (original description)
Scionella Moore, 1903 (original description)
Scionella japonica Moore, 1903 (original description)
Terebellides stroemi japonica Moore, 1903 accepted as Terebellides japonica Moore, 1903 (original description)
Trichobranchus bibranchiatus Moore, 1903 (original description)
Syntype ANSP 1005, geounit Sagami Bay, identified as Terebellides stroemi japonica Moore, 1903
Holotype USNM 15734, geounit Suruga Bay, identified as Nereis pusilla Moore, 1903
Syntype USNM 15741, geounit Sagami Bay, identified as Terebellides stroemi japonica Moore, 1903
Holotype NMNH USNM 15727, geounit Bering Sea, identified as Laetmatonice pellucida Moore, 1903
 Depth range

63-75 fathoms (= 115-137 m). [details]


Original description by Moore (1903: 478): "All of the specimens of Terebellides taken in Sagami Bay differ from ... [details]


NW Pacific Ocean: Japan (Suruga Bay). [details]


Pacific Ocean: Sagami Bay (Honshu Island, Japan). [details]


The specific epithet pusilla (masculine: pusillus), is a Latin adjective meaning 'very little' or 'very small', and ... [details]


Not stated in the original description. The subspecific epithet japonica refers to the type locality of the ... [details]


Volcanic sand and ash and gravel, at shelf depths. [details]


Volcanic sand and ash and gravel, at shelf depths.  [details]


Stones, volcanic ash and volcanic sand, fine sand, and mud, at shelf to slope depths. [details]


Nereis pusilla Moore, 1903 is a junior primary homonym of Nereis pusilla O.F. Müller, 1776, and was replaced by ... [details]


Syntypes deposited at: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, USA (USNM 15741); Academy of Natural Sciences, ... [details]

 Type locality

Ose Zaki, Suruga Bay, Honshu Island, Japan, Pacific Ocean (gazetteer estimate 35.033º, 138.783º), 115-137 m, ... [details]

 Type locality

Bowers Bank, NE of Aleutian Islands, Bering Sea, 54º32´N 178º 31´E, 155 m, Albatross Stn 3784 [details]

 Type locality

Ose Zaki, Suruga Bay, Honshu Island, Japan, Pacific Ocean (gazetteer estimate 35.033º, 138.783º), 115-137 m, ... [details]

 Type locality

Tsuragi Saki Light, S.80d, W. 4.3 M, Sagami Bay, Honshu Island, Japan, Pacific Ocean (gazetteer estimate 35.25°, ... [details]