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Temora longicornis (Müller O.F., 1785)

104878  (

marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
(of Cyclops longicornis Müller O.F., 1785) Müller, O.F. (1785). Entomostraca seu Insecta Testacea, quae in aquis Daniae et Norvegiae reperit, descripsit et iconibus illustravit Otho Fridericus Müller. [The Entomostraca or Insecta Testacea, which he finds in the waters of Denmark and Norway, were described and illustrated by icons by Otho Friedrich Müller.]. <em>F.W. Thiele, Lipsiae & Havniae.</em> 134 pp., index, pls. 1-21.
page(s): 115-116 (124-125 of pdf) [details] OpenAccess publication
Distribution Labrador to Chesapeake Bay  
Distribution Labrador to Chesapeake Bay [details]
Walter, T.C.; Boxshall, G. (2025). World of Copepods Database. Temora longicornis (Müller O.F., 1785). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: on 2025-03-02
2004-12-21 15:54:05Z
2008-08-06 13:32:15Z

Creative Commons License The webpage text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License


original description (of Halitemora finmarchica Giesbrecht, 1881) Giesbrecht, W. (1881). Vorlaufige Mitteilung aus einer Arbeit uber die freilebenden Copepoden des Kieler Hafens. [Preliminary report from a work on the free-living copepods of the Kiel harbor.]. <em>Zoologischer Anzeiger.</em> 4(83):254-258. (16-v-1881). (look up in IMIS) [details] OpenAccess publication

original description (of Cyclops longicornis Müller O.F., 1785) Müller, O.F. (1785). Entomostraca seu Insecta Testacea, quae in aquis Daniae et Norvegiae reperit, descripsit et iconibus illustravit Otho Fridericus Müller. [The Entomostraca or Insecta Testacea, which he finds in the waters of Denmark and Norway, were described and illustrated by icons by Otho Friedrich Müller.]. <em>F.W. Thiele, Lipsiae & Havniae.</em> 134 pp., index, pls. 1-21.
page(s): 115-116 (124-125 of pdf) [details] OpenAccess publication

original description (of Diaptomus longicaudatus Lubbock, 1857) Lubbock, J. (1857). Description of eight new species of Entomostraca found at Weymouth. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (2)20:401-410, pls. 10-11. (xii-1857) [details] OpenAccess publication

original description (of Temora finmarchica Baird, 1850) Baird, W. (1850). The Natural History of the British Entomostraca. <em>Ray Society, London.</em> 364 pp, pls. 1-36. [details] OpenAccess publication

basis of record Boxshall, G. (2001). Copepoda (excl. Harpacticoida), <B><I>in</I></B>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). <i>European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels,</i> 50: pp. 252-268 (look up in IMIS) [details] 


ecology source Brun, P., M.R. Payne & T. Kiørboe. (2017). A trait database for marine copepods. <em>Earth System Science Data.</em> 9(1):99-113., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]


context source (Deepsea) Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), available online at [details] 

context source (Schelde) Maris, T.; Beauchard, O.; Van Damme, S.; Van den Bergh, E.; Wijnhoven, S.; Meire, P. (2013). Referentiematrices en Ecotoopoppervlaktes Annex bij de Evaluatiemethodiek Schelde-estuarium Studie naar “Ecotoopoppervlaktes en intactness index”. <em>Monitor Taskforce Publication Series, 2013-01. NIOZ: Yerseke.</em> 35 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] 

context source (BeRMS 2020) Bio-environmental research group; Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries research (ILVO), Belgium; (2015): Zooplankton monitoring in the Belgian Part of the North Sea between 2009 and 2010. [details] 

additional source Bromley, J.E.C. & J.S. Bleakney. (1985). Keys to the fauna and flora of Minas Basin. <em>National Research Council of Canada Report, Halifax, N.S.</em> 24119: 366 PP. [details] 

additional source Brunel, P., L. Bosse & G. Lamarche. (1998). Catalogue of the marine invertebrates of the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. <em>Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 126.</em> 405 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Linkletter, L. E. (1977). A checklist of marine fauna and flora of the Bay of Fundy. <em>Huntsman Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews, N.B.</em> 68: p. [details] 

additional source Costello, M.J., C. Emblow & R. White (EdS.). (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. <em>Collection Patrimoines Naturels, 50. Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle: Paris, France.</em> 463 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Muller, Y. (2004). Faune et flore du littoral du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Belgique: inventaire. [Coastal fauna and flora of the Nord, Pas-de-Calais and Belgium: inventory]. <em>Commission Régionale de Biologie Région Nord Pas-de-Calais: France.</em> 307 pp., available online at [details] 

additional source Berner, A. (1962). Feeding and respiration in the copepod Temora longicornis (Müller). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 42:625-640, figs. 1-8. (x-1962) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Corkett, C.J. (1967). The copepodid stages of Temora longicornis (O.F. Müller, 1792) (Copepoda). Crustaceana, Leiden 12(3):261-273, figs. 1-3, tabs. 1-3. (8-v-1967) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Corkett, C.J. (1968). Observations sur les stades larvaires de Pseudocalanus elongatus Boeck et Temora longicornis Müller. [Observations on the larval stages of Pseudocalanus elongatus Boeck and Temora longicornis Müller.]. <em>Pelagos.</em> 8:51-57, figs. 1-2, tabs. 1-2. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Corkett, C.J. & E.J. Zillioux. (1975). Studies on the effect of temperature on the egg laying of three species of calanoid copepods in the laboratory (Acartia tonsa, Temora longicornis and Pseudocalanus elongatus). Bulletin of Plankton Society of Japan 21(2): 77-85, fig. 1, tabs. 1-2. (iv-1975) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Dam, H.G. (1986). Short-term feeding of Temora longicornis Müller in the laboratory and the field. <em>Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.</em> 99(2):149-161. figs. 1-2, tabs. 1-3. (24.vii.1986)., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Evans, F. (1981). An investigation into the relationship of sea temperature and food supply to the size of the planktonic copepod Temora longicornis Müller in the North Sea. <em>Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.</em> 13(2):145-158, figs. 1-3, tabs. 1-7. (viii-1981)., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Ferrari, F.D. & A. Benforado. (1998). Setation and setal groups on antenna 1 of Ridgewayia klausreutzleri, Pleuromamma xiphias, and Pseudocalanus elongatus (Crustacea: Copepoda: Calanoida) during the copepodid phase of their development. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 111(1):209-221. (6.iv.1998) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Harris, R.P. & G.A. Paffenhöfer. (1976). Feeding, growth and reproduction of the marine planktonic copepod Temora longicornis Müller. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 56(3):675-690, figs. 1-6, tabs. 1-8. (viii-1976) [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Linko, A.K. (1907). Untersuchungen über das Plankton des Barents Meeres. [Investigations on the plankton of the Barents Sea.]. <em>Wissenschaftlich praktische Murman Expedition, St. Petersburg.</em> :1-247, figs.1-21. [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Muxagata, E.M. & J.A. Williams. (2004). The Mesozooplankton of the Solent-Southampton Water system: a photographic guide. Southampton Oceanography Centre, Southampton, U.K. 103 pp. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Pesta, O. (1928). Krebstiere oder Crustacea. I: Ruderfüsser oder Copepoda (1. Calanoida, 2. Cyclopoida) (3. Ordnung) [Crustaceans or Crustacea. I: Copepods (1. Calanoida, 2. Cyclopoida) (3rd order).]. <em>In: Dahl, F. (ed.). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der Angrenzenden Meeresteile nach Ihren Merkmalen und nach Ihrer Lebensweise. Fischer, Jena.</em> 9:1-136, figs. 1-115. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Sars, G.O. (1902). Copepoda Calanoida, Parts IX & X, Temoridae, Metridiidae, Heterorhabdidae. <em>An Account of the Crustacea of Norway, with short descriptions and figures of all the species. Bergen Museum.</em> 4: 97-120, pls. 65-80. (look up in IMIS) [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Sazhina, L.I. (1985). Naupliusy massovykh vidov pelagickeskikh kopepod Mirovogo okeana. (Naupliuses of mass species of the world's oceans.) Naukova Dumka, Kiev 238pp. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Scott, T. (1894). Report on Entomostraca from the Gulf of Guinea, collected by John Rattray, B.Sc. <em>Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Series 2, Zoology.</em> 6(1):1-161, pls. 1-15., available online at [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Wilson, C.B. (1932). The copepods of the Woods Hole region, Massachusetts. <em>Bulletin of the United States National Museum.</em> 158:1-635, figs. 1-316, pls. 1-41. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Paulmier, G. (2016). Les Copépodes (Crustacea, Calanoida) des eaux côtières et estuariennes de la Bretagne et de la Normandie. Section des Heterarthrandria. Copepoda (Crustacea, Calanoida) from coastal and estuaries waters of the Brittany and Normandy, Section Heterarthrandria. <em>Bulletin de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux.</em> 151, n.ser. 44(2/3):317-335. [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Lee, C.M. (1971). Population structures of the Planktonic Copepods Centropages typicus and Temora longicornis in the North Atlantic area and the functional significance of the reproductive structures of the Centropagidae. <em>PhD Thesis, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.</em> 221 pp., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Angra, A. (2011). Escape Behavior in Temora longicornis when exposed to Karenia brevis and Alexandrium fundyense. <em>Undergraduate Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.</em> 36 pp., available online at  [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Seuront, L. (2011). Hydrocarbon contamination decreases mating success in a marine planktonic copepod. <em>PLoS One.</em> 6(10):1-11. e26283., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available [request]

additional source Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). , available online at [details] 

 Present  Present in aphia/obis/gbif/idigbio   Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 

Distribution Labrador to Chesapeake Bay [details]

Habitat upper epipelagic of the Gulf and estuary [details]

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