MSBIAS Taxon list
Search for '' returned 127 matching records, showing records 1-100.
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- Acanthicolepis asperrima (M. Sars, 1861)
- Acholoe astericola (Delle Chiaje, 1841) accepted as Acholoe squamosa (Delle Chiaje, 1827)
- Acholoe squamosa (Delle Chiaje, 1827)
- Adyte assimilis (McIntosh, 1874) accepted as Adyte hyalina (G.O. Sars, 1873)
- Adyte hyalina (G.O. Sars, 1873)
- Adyte pellucida (Ehlers, 1864) accepted as Subadyte pellucida (Ehlers, 1864)
- Alentia gelatinosa (M. Sars, 1835)
- Allmaniella setubalensis McIntosh, 1885
- Antinoe finmarchica Malmgren, 1867 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
- Antinoella finmarchica (Malmgren, 1867) accepted as Antinoe finmarchica Malmgren, 1867
- Antinoella sarsi (Kinberg in Malmgren, 1866) accepted as Bylgides sarsi (Kinberg in Malmgren, 1866)
- Antinoella sarsi promamme (Malmgren, 1867) accepted as Bylgides promamme (Malmgren, 1867)
- Aphrodita aculeata Linnaeus, 1758
- Austrolaenilla mollis (Sars, 1872)
- Bylgides elegans (Théel, 1879)
- Bylgides groenlandicus (Malmgren, 1867)
- Bylgides promamme (Malmgren, 1867)
- Bylgides sarsi (Kinberg in Malmgren, 1866)
- Diplaconotum paucidentatum (Eliason, 1962)
- Enipo elisabethae McIntosh, 1900
- Enipo kinbergi Malmgren, 1865
- Eucranta villosa Malmgren, 1865
- Eunoe nodosa (M. Sars, 1861)
- Eunoe oerstedi Malmgren, 1865
- Eusthenelais hibernica McIntosh, 1876 (uncertain > taxon inquirendum)
- Euthalenessa oculata (Peters, 1854)
- Fimbriosthenelais minor (Pruvot & Racovitza, 1895)
- Fimbriosthenelais zetlandica (McIntosh, 1876)
- Gattyana amondseni (Malmgren, 1867)
- Gattyana cirrhosa (Pallas, 1766)
- Gattyana cirrosa (Pallas, 1766) accepted as Gattyana cirrhosa (Pallas, 1766)
- Halosydna gelatinosa (Sars, 1835) accepted as Alentia gelatinosa (M. Sars, 1835)
- Harmothoe (Antinoella) sarsi (Kinberg in Malmgren, 1866) accepted as Bylgides sarsi (Kinberg in Malmgren, 1866)
- Harmothoe (Antinoella) sarsi promamme (Malmgren, 1867) accepted as Bylgides promamme (Malmgren, 1867)
- Harmothoe (Antinoella) sarsi sarsi (Kinberg, 1865)
- Harmothoe (Austrolaenilla) mollis (M. Sars in G.O. Sars, 1872) accepted as Austrolaenilla mollis (Sars, 1872)
- Harmothoe (Harmothoe) glabra (Malmgren, 1866) accepted as Harmothoe glabra (Malmgren, 1865)
- Harmothoe andreapolis (McIntosh, 1874) accepted as Malmgrenia andreapolis McIntosh, 1874
- Harmothoe antilopes McIntosh, 1876
- Harmothoe areolata (Grube, 1860)
- Harmothoe aspera (Hansen, 1878)
- Harmothoe bellani Barnich & Fiege, 2000
- Harmothoe borealis (Théel, 1879)
- Harmothoe castanea (McIntosh, 1876) accepted as Malmgrenia castanea McIntosh, 1876
- Harmothoe clavigera (M. Sars, 1863)
- Harmothoe coeliaca de Saint-Joseph, 1888
- Harmothoe echinopustulata Fauvel, 1913 accepted as Leucia nivea (M. Sars, 1863)
- Harmothoe extenuata (Grube, 1840)
- Harmothoe fernandi Barnich & Fiege, 2009
- Harmothoe fragilis Moore, 1910
- Harmothoe fraserthomsoni McIntosh, 1897
- Harmothoe furcosetosa (Loshamn, 1981) accepted as Pettibonesia furcosetosa (Loshamn, 1981)
- Harmothoe glabra (Malmgren, 1865)
- Harmothoe globifera (Sars G.O., 1873)
- Harmothoe haliaeti McIntosh, 1876 (uncertain > nomen dubium)
- Harmothoe imbricata (Linnaeus, 1767)
- Harmothoe impar (Johnston, 1839)
- Harmothoe ljungmani (Malmgren, 1867) accepted as Malmgrenia ljungmani (Malmgren, 1867)
- Harmothoe longisetis (Grube, 1863)
- Harmothoe lunulata (Delle Chiaje, 1830) accepted as Malmgrenia lunulata (Delle Chiaje, 1830)
- Harmothoe mariannae Barnich & Fiege, 2009
- Harmothoe marphysae McIntosh, 1876 accepted as Malmgrenia marphysae (McIntosh, 1876)
- Harmothoe maxillospinosa de Saint-Joseph, 1888 accepted as Harmothoe imbricata (Linnaeus, 1767)
- Harmothoe mcintoshi Tebble & Chambers, 1982 accepted as Malmgrenia mcintoshi (Tebble & Chambers, 1982)
- Harmothoe micraspis Eliason, 1962
- Harmothoe pagenstecheri Michaelsen, 1896
- Harmothoe reticulata (Claparède, 1870)
- Harmothoe spinifera (Ehlers, 1864)
- Harmothoe villosa Treadwell, 1926
- Harmothoe viridis Loshamn, 1981
- Harmothoe zetlandica (McIntosh, 1876) accepted as Malmgreniella ljungmani (Malmgren, 1867) accepted as Malmgrenia ljungmani (Malmgren, 1867)
- Hermonia hystrix (Savigny in Lamarck, 1818) accepted as Laetmonice hystrix (Savigny in Lamarck, 1818)
- Labioleanira yhleni (Malmgren, 1867)
- Laetmonice filicornis Kinberg, 1856
- Laetmonice hystrix (Savigny in Lamarck, 1818)
- Laetmonice producta Grube, 1877
- Leanira hystricis Ehlers, 1874
- Lepidasthenia argus Hodgson, 1900
- Lepidasthenia maculata Potts, 1910
- Lepidonotus clava (Montagu, 1808)
- Lepidonotus squamatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Leucia nivea (M. Sars, 1863)
- Macellicephala paucidentata Eliason, 1962 accepted as Diplaconotum paucidentatum (Eliason, 1962)
- Malmgrenia andreapolis McIntosh, 1874
- Malmgrenia arenicolae (Saint-Joseph, 1888)
- Malmgrenia castanea McIntosh, 1876
- Malmgrenia darbouxi (Pettibone, 1993)
- Malmgrenia ljungmani (Malmgren, 1867)
- Malmgrenia lunulata (Delle Chiaje, 1830)
- Malmgrenia marphysae (McIntosh, 1876)
- Malmgrenia mcintoshi (Tebble & Chambers, 1982)
- Malmgreniella andreapolis (McIntosh, 1874) accepted as Malmgrenia andreapolis McIntosh, 1874
- Malmgreniella arenicolae (de Saint Joseph, 1888) accepted as Malmgrenia arenicolae (Saint-Joseph, 1888)
- Malmgreniella castanea (McIntosh, 1876) accepted as Malmgrenia castanea McIntosh, 1876
- Malmgreniella darbouxi Pettibone, 1993 accepted as Malmgrenia darbouxi (Pettibone, 1993)
- Malmgreniella furcosetosa (Loshamn, 1981) accepted as Pettibonesia furcosetosa (Loshamn, 1981)
- Malmgreniella glabra (Malmgren, 1866) accepted as Harmothoe glabra (Malmgren, 1865)
- Malmgreniella ljungmani (Malmgren, 1867) accepted as Malmgrenia ljungmani (Malmgren, 1867)
- Malmgreniella lunulata (Delle Chiaje, 1830) accepted as Malmgrenia lunulata (Delle Chiaje, 1830)
- Malmgreniella marphysae (McIntosh, 1876) accepted as Malmgrenia marphysae (McIntosh, 1876)