WoRMS source details

Backeljau, T. (1986). Lijst van de recente mariene mollusken van België [List of the recent marine molluscs of Belgium]. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen: Brussels, Belgium. 106 pp.
Backeljau, T.
Lijst van de recente mariene mollusken van België [List of the recent marine molluscs of Belgium]
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen
Brussels, Belgium : 106
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z

Abra intermedia (W. Thompson, 1845) accepted as Abra nitida (O. F. Müller, 1776) (basis of record)
Acanthochaetes Risso, 1826 accepted as Acanthochitona J. E. Gray, 1821 (source of synonymy)
Acanthochaetes vulgaris Leach, 1852 accepted as Acanthochitona crinita (Pennant, 1777) (basis of record)
Acanthochaetes vulgaris Leach, 1852 accepted as Acanthochitona crinita (Pennant, 1777) (source of synonymy)
Acanthochites Risso, 1826 accepted as Acanthochitona J. E. Gray, 1821 (source of synonymy)
Acanthochites aeneus Risso, 1826 accepted as Acanthochitona discrepans (T. Brown, 1827) (basis of record)
Acanthochites aeneus sensu Monterosato, 1879 accepted as Acanthochitona crinita (Pennant, 1777) (basis of record)
Acanthochites carinatus Risso, 1826 accepted as Acanthochitona crinita (Pennant, 1777) (basis of record)
Acanthochites carinatus Risso, 1826 accepted as Acanthochitona crinita (Pennant, 1777) (source of synonymy)
Acanthochitona communis (Risso, 1826) accepted as Acanthochitona fascicularis (Linnaeus, 1767) (additional source)
Aclis supranitida (S. V. Wood, 1842) accepted as Aclis minor (T. Brown, 1827) (basis of record)
Aclis supranitida (S. V. Wood, 1842) accepted as Aclis minor (T. Brown, 1827) (source of synonymy)
Aeolidia verrucosa M. Sars, 1829 accepted as Coryphella verrucosa (M. Sars, 1829) (basis of record)
Aeolidia verrucosa M. Sars, 1829 accepted as Coryphella verrucosa (M. Sars, 1829) (source of synonymy)
Aeolis Menke, 1844 accepted as Aeolidia Cuvier, 1798 (basis of record)
Aeolis argenteolineata A. Costa, 1866 accepted as Coryphella lineata (Lovén, 1846) (basis of record)
Aeolis argenteolineata A. Costa, 1866 accepted as Coryphella lineata (Lovén, 1846) (source of synonymy)
Alderia amphibia Allman, 1845 accepted as Alderia modesta (Lovén, 1844) (basis of record)
Alderia amphibia Allman, 1845 accepted as Alderia modesta (Lovén, 1844) (source of synonymy)
Alderia scaldiana Nyst, 1855 accepted as Alderia modesta (Lovén, 1844) (source of synonymy)
Alvania semistriata (Montagu, 1808) accepted as Crisilla semistriata (Montagu, 1808) (basis of record)
Ancula gibbosa (Risso, 1818) (additional source)
Aplysia hybrida J. Sowerby, 1806 accepted as Aplysia punctata (Cuvier, 1803) (basis of record)
Aplysia hybrida J. Sowerby, 1806 accepted as Aplysia punctata (Cuvier, 1803) (source of synonymy)
Aplysia rosea Rathke, 1799 accepted as Aplysia punctata (Cuvier, 1803) (source of synonymy)
Aporrhais quadrifidus da Costa, 1778 accepted as Aporrhais pespelecani (Linnaeus, 1758) (basis of record)
Aporrhais quadrifidus da Costa, 1778 accepted as Aporrhais pespelecani (Linnaeus, 1758) (source of synonymy)
Arca minuta O. F. Müller, 1776 accepted as Nuculana minuta (O. F. Müller, 1776) (source of synonymy)
Archidoris tuberculata (Müller, 1778) sensu Cuvier, 1804 accepted as Doris pseudoargus Rapp, 1827 (basis of record)
Assiminea grayana J. Fleming, 1828 (additional source)
Barnea candida (Linnaeus, 1758) (additional source)
Barnea parva (Pennant, 1777) (additional source)
Bela laevigata (R. A. Philippi, 1836) accepted as Bela zonata (Locard, 1891) (additional source)
Bellaspira rufa (Montagu, 1803) accepted as Propebela rufa (Montagu, 1803) (basis of record)
Bellaspira septangularis (Montagu, 1803) accepted as Haedropleura septangularis (Montagu, 1803) (basis of record)
Boreotrophon clathratus (Linnaeus, 1767) (basis of record)
Bulla alba W. Turton, 1825 accepted as Bulla striata Bruguière, 1792 (source of synonymy)
Bulla pertenuis Mighels, 1843 accepted as Retusa pertenuis (Mighels, 1843) (source of synonymy)
Bulla plicata T. Brown, 1827 accepted as Retusa obtusa (Montagu, 1803) (basis of record)
Bulla plicata T. Brown, 1827 accepted as Retusa obtusa (Montagu, 1803) (source of synonymy)
Bulla retusa Maton & Rackett, 1807 accepted as Retusa truncatula (Bruguière, 1792) (basis of record)
Bulla retusa Maton & Rackett, 1807 accepted as Retusa truncatula (Bruguière, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Bulla truncata J. Adams, 1800 accepted as Retusa truncatula (Bruguière, 1792) (basis of record)
Bulla truncata J. Adams, 1800 accepted as Retusa truncatula (Bruguière, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Bulla umbilicata Montagu, 1803 accepted as Retusa umbilicata (Montagu, 1803) (source of synonymy)
Caecum glabrum (Montagu, 1803) (additional source)
Caecum mammillatum S. V. Wood, 1848 † (basis of record)
Cardium corallinum Linnaeus, 1758 accepted as Mactra corallina (Linnaeus, 1758) (basis of record)
Cardium corallinum Linnaeus, 1758 accepted as Mactra corallina (Linnaeus, 1758) (source of synonymy)
Cardium lamarcki Reeve, 1845 accepted as Cardium lamarckii Reeve, 1845 accepted as Cerastoderma lamarcki (Reeve, 1845) accepted as Cerastoderma glaucum (Bruguière, 1789) (basis of record)
Cardium norvegicum Spengler, 1799 accepted as Laevicardium crassum (Gmelin, 1791) (source of synonymy)
Cardium stultorum Linnaeus, 1758 accepted as Mactra stultorum (Linnaeus, 1758) (basis of record)
Cardium stultorum Linnaeus, 1758 accepted as Mactra stultorum (Linnaeus, 1758) (source of synonymy)
Cerithiopsis tubercularis (Montagu, 1803) (additional source)
Chalidis coerulea Quatrefages, 1844 accepted as Limapontia capitata (O. F. Müller, 1774) (basis of record)
Chalidis coerulea Quatrefages, 1844 accepted as Limapontia capitata (O. F. Müller, 1774) (source of synonymy)
Chiton (Platysemus) submarmoreus Middendorff, 1847 accepted as Tonicella submarmorea (Middendorff, 1847) (basis of record)
Chiton (Platysemus) submarmoreus Middendorff, 1847 accepted as Tonicella submarmorea (Middendorff, 1847) (source of synonymy)
Chiton aselloides R. T. Lowe, 1825 accepted as Stenosemus albus (Linnaeus, 1767) (basis of record)
Chiton aselloides R. T. Lowe, 1825 accepted as Stenosemus albus (Linnaeus, 1767) (source of synonymy)
Chiton discrepans T. Brown, 1827 accepted as Acanthochitona discrepans (T. Brown, 1827) (basis of record)
Chiton discrepans T. Brown, 1827 accepted as Acanthochitona discrepans (T. Brown, 1827) (source of synonymy)
Chiton fuscatus T. Brown, 1827 accepted as Lepidochitona (Lepidochitona) cinerea (Linnaeus, 1767) represented as Lepidochitona cinerea (Linnaeus, 1767) (basis of record)
Chiton fuscatus T. Brown, 1827 accepted as Lepidochitona (Lepidochitona) cinerea (Linnaeus, 1767) represented as Lepidochitona cinerea (Linnaeus, 1767) (source of synonymy)
Chiton incarnatus Reeve, 1848 accepted as Tonicella rubra (Linnaeus, 1767) accepted as Boreochiton ruber (Linnaeus, 1767) (basis of record)
Chiton incarnatus Reeve, 1848 accepted as Tonicella rubra (Linnaeus, 1767) accepted as Boreochiton ruber (Linnaeus, 1767) (source of synonymy)
Chiton latus Leach, 1852 accepted as Tonicella rubra (Linnaeus, 1767) accepted as Boreochiton ruber (Linnaeus, 1767) (basis of record)
Chiton latus Leach, 1852 accepted as Tonicella rubra (Linnaeus, 1767) accepted as Boreochiton ruber (Linnaeus, 1767) (source of synonymy)
Chiton marginatus Pennant, 1777 accepted as Lepidochitona (Lepidochitona) cinerea (Linnaeus, 1767) represented as Lepidochitona cinerea (Linnaeus, 1767) (source of synonymy)
Chiton marmoreus O. Fabricius, 1780 accepted as Tonicella marmorea (O. Fabricius, 1780) (basis of record)
Chiton minimus Spengler, 1797 accepted as Tonicella rubra (Linnaeus, 1767) accepted as Boreochiton ruber (Linnaeus, 1767) (basis of record)
Chiton onyx Spengler, 1797 accepted as Acanthochitona crinita (Pennant, 1777) (basis of record)
Chiton onyx Spengler, 1797 accepted as Acanthochitona crinita (Pennant, 1777) (source of synonymy)
Chiton sagrinatus Couthouy, 1838 accepted as Stenosemus albus (Linnaeus, 1767) (basis of record)
Chiton sagrinatus Couthouy, 1838 accepted as Stenosemus albus (Linnaeus, 1767) (source of synonymy)
Chiton scoticus Leach, 1852 accepted as Leptochiton asellus (Gmelin, 1791) (basis of record)
Chiton scoticus Leach, 1852 accepted as Leptochiton asellus (Gmelin, 1791) (source of synonymy)
Chiton tuberculatus Leach, 1852 accepted as Leptochiton cancellatus (G. B. Sowerby II, 1840) (basis of record)
Chiton tuberculatus Leach, 1852 accepted as Leptochiton cancellatus (G. B. Sowerby II, 1840) (source of synonymy)
Chiton variegatus R. A. Philippi, 1836 accepted as Lepidochitona cinerea (Linnaeus, 1767) (basis of record)
Chiton variegatus R. A. Philippi, 1836 accepted as Lepidochitona cinerea (Linnaeus, 1767) (source of synonymy)
Clelandella clelandi (W. Wood, 1828) accepted as Clelandella miliaris (Brocchi, 1814) (basis of record)
Corbula nucleus Lamarck, 1818 accepted as Varicorbula gibba (Olivi, 1792) (basis of record)
Corbula nucleus Lamarck, 1818 accepted as Varicorbula gibba (Olivi, 1792) (source of synonymy)
Coryphella lineata (Lovén, 1846) (additional source)
Cylichna cylindrica (Bruguière, 1792) accepted as Cylichna cylindracea (Pennant, 1777) (basis of record)
Cylichna cylindrica (Bruguière, 1792) accepted as Cylichna cylindracea (Pennant, 1777) (source of synonymy)
Cylichna elongata Locard, 1886 accepted as Cylichna cylindracea (Pennant, 1777) (basis of record)
Cylichna elongata Locard, 1886 accepted as Cylichna cylindracea (Pennant, 1777) (source of synonymy)
Cylichna producta (T. Brown, 1827) accepted as Cylichna cylindracea (Pennant, 1777) (basis of record)
Cylichna producta (T. Brown, 1827) accepted as Cylichna cylindracea (Pennant, 1777) (source of synonymy)
Dentale da Costa, 1778 accepted as Antalis H. Adams & A. Adams, 1854 (basis of record)
Dentale vulgare da Costa, 1778 accepted as Antalis vulgaris (da Costa, 1778) (basis of record)
Doris auriculata O. F. Müller, 1776 accepted as Facelina auriculata (O. F. Müller, 1776) (basis of record)
Doris auriculata O. F. Müller, 1776 accepted as Facelina auriculata (O. F. Müller, 1776) (source of synonymy)
Doris brittanica G. Johnston, 1838 accepted as Doris pseudoargus Rapp, 1827 (basis of record)
Doris brittanica G. Johnston, 1838 accepted as Doris pseudoargus Rapp, 1827 (source of synonymy)
Doris flammea Alder & Hancock, 1844 (basis of record)
Doris flemingii Forbes, 1838 accepted as Acanthodoris pilosa (Abildgaard, 1789) (basis of record)
Doris obvelata O. F. Müller, 1776 accepted as Cadlina laevis (Linnaeus, 1767) (basis of record)
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Abra alba (W. Wood, 1802) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Abra tenuis (Montagu, 1803) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Acanthocardia aculeata (Linnaeus, 1758)  (doubtful)
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Acanthocardia echinata (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Acanthochitona communis (Risso, 1826) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Acanthodoris pilosa (Abildgaard, 1789) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Aclis minor (T. Brown, 1827) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Acmaea virginea (O. F. Müller, 1776)  (doubtful)
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Acteon tornatilis (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Aeolidia papillosa (Linnaeus, 1761) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Aequipecten opercularis (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Akera bullata O. F. Müller, 1776 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Alderia amphibia Allman, 1845 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Alderia modesta (Lovén, 1844) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Alderia scaldiana Nyst, 1855 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Alloteuthis subulata (Lamarck, 1798) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Altenaeum dawsoni (Jeffreys, 1864) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Alvania lactea (Michaud, 1830) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Alvania semistriata (Montagu, 1808) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Amauropsis islandica (Gmelin, 1791) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Ancula gibbosa (Risso, 1818) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Anomia ephippium Linnaeus, 1758 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Aplysia punctata (Cuvier, 1803)  (doubtful)
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Aporrhais pespelecani (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Aporrhais quadrifidus da Costa, 1778 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Archidoris tuberculata (Müller, 1778) sensu Cuvier, 1804 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Arctica islandica (Linnaeus, 1767) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Assiminea grayana J. Fleming, 1828 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Barnea candida (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Barnea parva (Pennant, 1777) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Bela laevigata (R. A. Philippi, 1836) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Bela nebula (Montagu, 1803) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Bellaspira rufa (Montagu, 1803) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Bellaspira septangularis (Montagu, 1803) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Bittium reticulatum (da Costa, 1778) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Boreotrophon clathratus (Linnaeus, 1767) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Boreotrophon truncatus (Strøm, 1768) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Buccinum undatum Linnaeus, 1758 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Bullaea alata Forbes, 1844 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Bullaea quadripartita (Ascanius, 1772) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Cadlina laevis (Linnaeus, 1767)  (doubtful)
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Caecum clarkii P. P. Carpenter, 1859 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Caecum glabrum (Montagu, 1803) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Caecum imperforatum Kanmacher, 1798 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Caecum mammillatum S. V. Wood, 1848 † 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Callista chione (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Calyptraea chinensis (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Capulus ungaricus (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Cardium lamarcki Reeve, 1845 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Catriona gymnota (Couthouy, 1838) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Cerastoderma edule (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Cerastoderma glaucum (Bruguière, 1789) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Cerithiopsis tubercularis (Montagu, 1803) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Chamelea gallina (Linnaeus, 1758)  (inaccurate)
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Chamelea striatula (da Costa, 1778) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Cheirodonta pallescens (Jeffreys, 1867) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Chiton tuberculatus Leach, 1852 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Chlamys varia (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Chrysallida decussata (Montagu, 1803) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Chrysallida obtusa (T. Brown, 1827) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Chrysallida spiralis (Montagu, 1803) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Circomphalus casina (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Clausinella fasciata (da Costa, 1778) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Clelandella clelandi (W. Wood, 1828) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Clione limacina (Phipps, 1774) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Colus gracilis (da Costa, 1778) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Corbula gibba (Olivi, 1792) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Coryphella lineata (Lovén, 1846) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Coryphella verrucosa (M. Sars, 1829) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Crepidula fornicata (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Cylichna cylindracea (Pennant, 1777) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Cylichnina umbilicata (Montagu, 1803) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Dendronotus frondosus (Ascanius, 1774) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Dentalium entalis Linnaeus, 1758 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Dentalium vulgare (da Costa, 1778) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Diodora graeca (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Diplodonta rotundata (Montagu, 1803)  (doubtful)
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Donax trunculus Linnaeus, 1758 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Donax vittatus (da Costa, 1778) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Dosinia exoleta (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Dosinia lupinus (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Doto coronata (Gmelin, 1791) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Doto fragilis (Forbes, 1838) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Doto pinnatifida (Montagu, 1804) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Eledone cirrhosa (Lamarck, 1798) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Emarginula fissura (Linnaeus, 1758)  (doubtful)
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Emarginula rosea Bell, 1824 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Embletonia pulchra (Alder & Hancock, 1844) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Ensis ensis (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Ensis minor (Chenu, 1843) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Ensis phaxoides Van Urk, 1964 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Ensis siliqua (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Eolis ventilabrum Dalyell, 1853 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Epitonium clathratulum (Kanmacher, 1798) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Epitonium clathrus (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Epitonium turtonis (W. Turton, 1819) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Ervilia castanea (Montagu, 1803)  (doubtful)
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Eubranchus exiguus (Alder & Hancock, 1848) 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Eubranchus tricolor Forbes, 1838 
Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone for Eulima bilineata Alder, 1848 
Dutch achterkieuwigen for Opisthobranchia
Dutch afgeknotte strandgaper for Mya truncata Linnaeus, 1758
Dutch asgrauwe tolhoren [from synonym] for Gibbula cineraria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch behaarde paardemossel for Modiolus barbatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch bonte mantel [from synonym] for Chlamys varia (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch brakwaterhorentje [from synonym] for Potamopyrgus jenkinsi (E. A. Smith, 1889)
Dutch buikpotigen for Gastropoda
Dutch Chinees hoedje for Calyptraea chinensis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch chitons for Polyplacophora
Dutch drijfhorentje [from synonym] for Hydrobia stagnorum (Gmelin, 1791)
Dutch dwerginktvis for Sepiola atlantica A. d'Orbigny, 1842
Dutch dwergpijlinktvis for Alloteuthis subulata (Lamarck, 1798)
Dutch eetbare hartschelp for Cerastoderma edule (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch eetbare mossel for Mytilus edulis Linnaeus, 1758
Dutch eetbare oester for Ostrea edulis Linnaeus, 1758
Dutch fuikhorens or fuikhoorns for Nassariidae Iredale, 1916 (1835)
Dutch geschubde stekelhoren for Ocenebra erinaceus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch gewone achtarm for Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797
Dutch gewone alikruik for Littorina littorea (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch gewone boormossel for Pholas dactylus Linnaeus, 1758
Dutch gewone kokkel for Cerastoderma edule (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch gewone schaalhoren for Patella vulgata Linnaeus, 1758
Dutch gewone sleutelgathoren for Diodora graeca (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch gewone stoottand [from synonym] for Dentalium vulgare (da Costa, 1778)
Dutch gewone tepelhoren [from synonym] for Lunatia catena (da Costa, 1778)
Dutch gewone tepelhoren [from synonym] for Polinices (Lunatia) catena (da Costa, 1778)
Dutch gewone tolhoren [from synonym] for Gibbula cineraria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch gewone venusschelp for Chamelea gallina (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch gewone zeekat for Sepia officinalis Linnaeus, 1758
Dutch gewoon wenteltrapje for Epitonium clathrus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch gladde schaalhoren [from synonym] for Patina pellucida (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch glanzende tepelhoren [from synonym] for Polinices (Lunatia) alderi (Forbes, 1838)
Dutch hartschelpen for Cardiidae Lamarck, 1809
Dutch inktvissen for Cephalopoda
Dutch kamschelp for Glycymeris glycymeris (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch keverslakken for Polyplacophora
Dutch kleine alikruik [from synonym] for Littorina neritoides (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch kleine fuikhoren [from synonym] for Nassarius pygmaeus (Lamarck, 1822)
Dutch kleine tafelmesheft for Ensis minor (Chenu, 1843)
Dutch kleine zwaardschede for Ensis ensis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch knobbelige tolhoren for Gibbula magus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch kokkels for Cardiidae Lamarck, 1809
Dutch lange slijkschelp [from synonym] for Lutraria magna (da Costa, 1778) sensu Winckworth, 1932
Dutch longslakken [from synonym] for Pulmonata
Dutch messchede for Solen marginatus Pulteney, 1799
Dutch muizenoortje [from synonym] for Ovatella myosotis (Draparnaud, 1801)
Dutch naaldje for Bittium reticulatum (da Costa, 1778)
Dutch Noorse hartschelp for Laevicardium crassum (Gmelin, 1791)
Dutch Noorse rotsboorder for Hiatella arctica (Linnaeus, 1767)
Dutch olifantstandje [from synonym] for Dentalium entalis Linnaeus, 1758
Dutch olifantstandjes for Scaphopoda
Dutch oorslakken for Ellobiidae L. Pfeiffer, 1854 (1822)
Dutch otterschelp for Lutraria lutraria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch oubliehorentje for Retusa obtusa (Montagu, 1803)
Dutch ovale slijkschelp for Lutraria lutraria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch paardenmossel for Modiolus modiolus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch paardenzadel for Anomia ephippium Linnaeus, 1758
Dutch parelmoerneut for Nucula nucleus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch pelikaansvoetje for Aporrhais pespelecani (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch penhoren [from synonym] for Turritella communis Risso, 1826
Dutch platte slijkgaper for Scrobicularia plana (da Costa, 1778)
Dutch purperslakken for Muricidae Rafinesque, 1815
Dutch rotsboorders for Hiatellidae J. E. Gray, 1824
Dutch ruwe alikruik for Littorina saxatilis (Olivi, 1792)
Dutch ruwe boormossel for Zirfaea crispata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch ruwe rotsboorder for Hiatella rugosa (Linnaeus, 1767)
Dutch schaalhorens for Patellidae Rafinesque, 1815
Dutch scheefhorentje for Lacuna vincta (Montagu, 1803)
Dutch scheepsworm for Psiloteredo megotara (Hanley, 1848)
Dutch schepje [from synonym] for Philine aperta (Linnaeus, 1767) sensu Jeffreys, 1867
Dutch schilferige dekschelp [from synonym] for Pododesmus squamula (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch schoteltje [from synonym] for Acmaea virginea (O. F. Müller, 1776)
Dutch slakken for Gastropoda
Dutch slanke noordhoren for Colus gracilis (da Costa, 1778)
Dutch sleutelgathorens for Fissurellidae J. Fleming, 1822
Dutch slipper for Crepidula fornicata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch spoelhoren for Acteon tornatilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch stompe alikruik for Littorina obtusata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch stoottandjes for Scaphopoda
Dutch strandgaper for Mya arenaria Linnaeus, 1758 †
Dutch tafelmesheft for Ensis siliqua (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dutch tapijtschelp [from synonym] for Venerupis senegalensis (Gmelin, 1791)
Dutch tepelhorens for Naticidae Guilding, 1834
Dutch tijgerpels for Palliolum tigerinum (O. F. Müller, 1776)
Dutch tolhorens for Trochidae Rafinesque, 1815
Dutch trapgevel [from synonym] for Oenopota turricula (Montagu, 1803)
Dutch Turtons wenteltrapje for Epitonium turtonis (W. Turton, 1819)
Dutch tweekleppigen for Bivalvia
Dutch verdikte fuikhoren [from synonym] for Nassarius incrassatus (Strøm, 1768)
Dutch vliezig drijfhorentje for Rissoa membranacea (J. Adams, 1800)
Dutch vlokkige zeeslak for Aeolidia papillosa (Linnaeus, 1761)
Dutch voorkieuwigen for Prosobranchia
Dutch waterlongslakken [from synonym] for Basommatophora
Dutch weekdieren for Mollusca
Dutch wenteltrapjes for Epitoniidae S. S. Berry, 1910 (1812)
Dutch wit drijfhorentje for Alvania lactea (Michaud, 1830)
Dutch wit muizenoortje for Leucophytia bidentata (Montagu, 1808)
Dutch wit wenteltrapje for Epitonium clathratulum (Kanmacher, 1798)
Dutch witte dunschaal for Abra alba (W. Wood, 1802)
Dutch witte keverslak [from synonym] for Ischnochiton albus (Linnaeus, 1767)

The correct author of Acanthodoris pilosa is (Abildgaard, 1789) and not (Müller, 1776) as Odhner, 1907; Pruvot-Fol, ... [details]


The names Aeolidia and Linnaeus, 1761 were stated as valid by the ICZN (Op. 779) The correct data of ... [details]


The speciesname Aeolidia verrucosais stated as valid by the ICZN (Op.781) [details]


The family name Akeridae has been placed on the Official List by ICZN Opinion 539. [details]


The author of Arca minuta is Müller and not Fabricius, 1776 as Abbott (1974) and Bernard (1979b) maintain. [details]


Manuscript name of Leach validated by Brown (1827). [details]


In Backeljau another author is used: Kanmacher, 1798 [details]


The speciename Bulla lignaria is stated as valid by ICZN (Op.287) [details]


The species name Bulla truncatula was placed on the Official List of names in Zoology in ICZN Opinion 549. [details]


Linnaeus, 1758 has descibed Cardium corallinumas well as Cardium stultorum , the first hails from the ... [details]


The original author of Cardium glaucum is a serious problem, because Poiret and Brugière have described this ... [details]


Linnaeus, 1758 has descibed Cardium corallinumas well as Cardium stultorum , the first hails from the ... [details]


The original name of this species is Dentale vulgare Da Costa, 1778 according to Backeljau [details]


The speciesname Doris auriculatus is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op. 775) [details]


The speciesname Doris clavigera is stated as valib by the ICZN (Op.833). [details]


The speciesname Doto fragilis is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op. 697) [details]


The correct author is "Rafinesque, 1814" and not "Montfort, 1802" [details]


The names Embletonia and Pterochilus pulcher Alder & Hancock, 1844 is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op. 782) [details]


The speciesname Eolis aurantia Alder & Hancock, 1842 is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op.777). In Op. 777 the name ... [details]


The speciesname Eolis exigua is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op. 773). Name No. 2141. [details]


The speciesname Eolis pallida Alder & Hancock, 1842 is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op.773). There is no reason ... [details]


The family name Eubranchidae is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op. 774) [details]


The species name Eubranchus tricolor is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op. 774) [details]


The genusname Facelina is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op. 775) [details]


(Linnaeus, 1767) non Fabricius, 1780 nec Poli, 1791 [details]


The genussname Limacia is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op.833). [details]


Montagu treated in 1803 only M. stultorum and in 1808 he described a species M. cinera that had a lot of ... [details]


Linnaeus, 1758 has descibed Cardium corallinumas well as Cardium stultorum , the first hails from the ... [details]


Montagu treated in 1803 only M. stultorum and in 1808 he described a species M. cinerea that had a lot of ... [details]


Margarites helicinus has been established by Phipps in 1774 and not by Fabricus in 1780 as Winchworth (1932), Sneli ... [details]


The genusname Volsella Scopoli, 1777 was rejected by the ICZN (Op. 325) [details]


The name Mya was placed on the Official List by ICZN Opinion 94. [details]


Brown, 1831 [details]


The genusname Ocenebra is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op.886). The synonym genusname Tritonalia is rejected by ... [details]


The species name Ocenebra erinacea is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op.886) [details]


Winkworth (1932), Jaeckel (1958) and Abbott (1974) mention "Lamarck, 1798" as authority. Other authors however ... [details]


The genusname Ostrea is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op. 94 en Op. 356) [details]


Yeasr of description sometimes incorrectly given as 1767 [details]


Scrobiculariidae isn't invalid. [details]


d'Orbigny, 1826. [details]


The species name Tellina (Fabulina) fabula was described by Gronovius (1781), but it is stated as a nomenclatoric ... [details]


The speciesname Tergipes adspersus is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op. 1084). [details]


The speciesname Limax tergipes Forskäl, 1775 is stated as valid by the ICZN (Op. 773). [details]


According to Russell, 1971 the correct date of publication is 1815 and not 1807, which is given by Pruvot-Fol, 1954 ... [details]


Muus (1963c) gives as authority for Todaropsis ablanae "Lesueur, 1821". The majority of authors (e.g. Winckworth, 1932; ... [details]


The correct date of publication is 1803 and not 1802, which is given by a few authors (Russel, 1971).

The ...



According to Russell, 1971 T. plebeia is described by Johnston in 1828 and not in 1838, which is given by Odhner, 1907; ... [details]


There has been al lot of confusion about the correct author of Trivia arctica . More information see Backeljau (1986). [details]


Confusion about the name: A. communis and A. crinita wered referred to as Chiton fascicularis according to ... [details]


Confusion about the name: A. communis and A. crinita wered referred to as Chiton fascicularis according to ... [details]


Vader (1981) has placed A. modesta in a new family: Alderiidae. [details]


Some authors consider Amauropsis Mörch, 1857 as a subgenus of Bulbus Brown, 1839. [details]


McKay & Smith (1979) put Corbula gibba (by mistake?) in the family Myidae. The classification used here follows the ... [details]


Lamellaria latens sometimes traeted as a form of L. perspicua  [details]


The genusname Littorina and typespecies Turbo littoreus Linnaeus, 1758 was stated as valid by the ICZN (Op. 1159). [details]


Arenomya Winckworth, 1930 is a valid genus according to Nordsieck (1969), but a valid subgenus of Mya according ... [details]


According to Van Regteren Altena et al. (1965) and Van Aartsen et al. (1984) Hinia Gray, 1847 is considered as a ... [details]


According to Heppell (in McKay & Smith 1979) it is preferably to use Odostomia rissoides Hanley, 1844 in stead of ... [details]


Turbo semicostatus Montagu, 1803 is probably another species than those which is mostly understand by that name. ... [details]


According to Mansel-Pleydell (1898) is P. pectinata Born, 1778 the typespecies of Helcion Montfort, 1810. ... [details]


According to Mansel-Pleydell (1898) is P. pectinata Born, 1778 the type species of Helcion Montfort, 1810. ... [details]


According to Vokes (1967), Nordsieck (1969) and McKay & Smith (1979) Phaxas Leach, 1852 distinguishes itself from ... [details]


Some authors (e.g. Winckworth, 1932; Nordsieck, 1969) put all species that are shaped like a knife in the family of ... [details]


In family Arcidae [details]


Abbott (1974) considers Timoclea Brown, 1827 as a subgenus of Chione Megerle van Mühlfeld, 1811. However, we ... [details]


Backeljau prefered the generic name Tornus above Adeorbis W. Wood, 1842 [details]


According to Gründel (1975), the correct family name is Triforidae Jousseaume, 1884 and not Triphoridae. And this ... [details]


The taxonomy of this family has to be reconsiderd. Backeljau (1986) follows Nordsieck (1968, 1977) and Van Aartsen ... [details]


Some authors consider T. communis as a subspecies of the fossil T. tricarinata (Brocchi, 1814). The majority of ... [details]


A. virginica is reported from the Belgian coast by many authors (e.g. Colbeau, 1868; Pelseneer, 1881; Maitland, 1897; ... [details]


Records of Amauropsis islandicus at the Belgian coast are probably based on fossil remains. [details]


Maitland (1897) and Jaeckel (1952) reported this species at the Belgian coast, but according to Engel (1936) there ... [details]


The Trophoninae reported from the Belgian coast are probably (sub)fossil. There is also a possibility that it was ... [details]


Based on a single specimen which was found in Heist (Belgium) in fossil material and the fact that the little ... [details]


Colus gracilis as well as C. islandicus were imported from northern parts by fishers. [details]


In the older fauna lists (e.g. De Malzine (1867), Colbeau (1868), Pelseneer (1881b), Maitland (1897) and Vonck ... [details]


Even though Pelseneer (1881b) put this species in his list, it is not known for sure that Diplodonta rotundata can ... [details]


The reports of Donax trunculus done by Pelseneer(1881b) and Vonck (1933) are probably wrong according to Dumoulin ... [details]


Fossil specimens of Donax variegatus could wash ashore the Belgian coast. [details]


Mainland (1897) mentioned this Mediterranean species at the Belgian coast. It is however not known for sure if this ... [details]


E. pulchra is reported by Maitland, 1897 and Vonck, 1933. The appearance of E. pulchra at the belgian coast had to ... [details]


Even though Pelseneer(1881b) and Lucas (1975) recorded Ervilia castanea for the Belgian coast, it is not known for ... [details]


Even though Pelseneer (1881b) mentioned Galeomma turtoni for our Belgian coast, we are not sure if the species ... [details]


Gastrochaena dubia is recorded for the first time at the Belgian coast by Pelseneer(1881). [details]


Fretter and Graham (1977) stated that this species does not occurs at the coasts of Belgium and the Netherlands. ... [details]


It is not known for sure if this species can be found at the Belgian coast. [details]


It is not unlikely that fossil remains of two other Jujubinus species, Jujubinus exasperatus (Pennant, 1777) and ... [details]


L. neritoides is reported from the Belgian coast by many authors (e.g. De Malzine, 1867; Colbeau, 1868; Pelseneer, 1881b;Vonck, ... [details]


L. neritoides is reported for the Belgian coast by many authors (e.g. De Malzine, 1867; Colbeau, 1868; Pelseneer, 1881b, ... [details]


L. palliata was reported at the Belgian coast, but were probably misidentifications. This species is a typical ... [details]


Records of Lunatia fusca, Lunatia pallida and Lunatia montagui are only known from older literature (de Malzine, 1867; ... [details]


Records of Lunatia fusca, Lunatia pallida and Lunatia montagui are only known from older literature (de Malzine, 1867; ... [details]


Records of Lunatia fusca, Lunatia pallida and Lunatia montagui are only known from older literature (de Malzine, 1867; ... [details]


The appearance of Modiolus modiolus at the Belgian coast was very doubtful according to Kerckhof (1980); in ... [details]


Living specimens are not yet reported for the Belgian coast, but this species must be found though. [details]


Although the species Otina ovata is reported for the Belgian coast by De Mazine (1867), Pelseneer (1881b), Maitland ... [details]


Al the specimens in the samples of the Belgian coasts were determined as P. vulgata , probably there are a few ... [details]


Living specimens of Pecten maximus are often supplied by the fisherman. The exact origin is not known ... [details]


P. quadrilineata is reported from the Belgian coast by Maitland (1897) and Vonck (1933). However, no definite ... [details]


for the Belgian coast, no definite reports of living specimens exist upon. Empty shells however are washed ashore ... [details]