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Polychaeta source details

Malmgren, A.J. (1867). Annulata Polychaeta Spetsbergiæ, Grœnlandiæ, Islandiæ et Scandinaviæ. Hactenus Cognita. Ex Officina Frenckelliana, Helsingforslæ. 127 pp. & XIV plates.
10.5962/bhl.title.13358 [view]
Malmgren, A.J.
Annulata Polychaeta Spetsbergiæ, Grœnlandiæ, Islandiæ et Scandinaviæ. Hactenus Cognita.
Ex Officina Frenckelliana, Helsingforslæ. 127 pp. & XIV plates
World Polychaeta Database (WPolyDb)
NOTE ON DUPLICATED PUBLICATION. Banse (1977) reported that Malmgren published this work in two versions. This book form is said to be published before the journal form. The typesetting differs, and Ceratocephale is spelled Ceratocephala in the journal version. Banse (1977) explains thus: "Malmgren published his new name and the diagnosis twice, in a book (1867 a) and in a journal (1867 b); the latter is the usually quoted publication. The spelling in 1867 a was Ceratocephale, but Ceratocephala in 1867 b. The two publications differed also in pagination and in other details (e.g., the units used in the text for length measurements), and hence must have been typeset twice. The second publication appeared in the Reports of the Proceedings of the Academy in Stockholm; the title page of the Proceedings for 1867 states that they were issued in 1868 but the last page of Malmgren's article was printed in 1867. An indication of the priority is the date, 5 April 1867, of the foreword of the book, whereas the paper was read at the Academy meeting of 10 April 1867. Also, the first user of Malmgren's new generio name, Ehlers (1868), cited the book. We assume that the book became available first and was hence also printed first."
Arctic-Boreal marine
North Atlantic
Systematics, Taxonomy
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2016-05-29 12:39:25Z

Ammocharidae Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Oweniidae Rioja, 1917 (original description)
Ammotrypane aulogaster Rathke, 1843 accepted as Ophelina acuminata Örsted, 1843 (source of synonymy)
Ammotrypane limacina Rathke, 1843 accepted as Ophelia limacina (Rathke, 1843) (source of synonymy)
Ammotrypane oestroides Rathke, 1843 accepted as Travisia forbesii Johnston, 1840 (source of synonymy)
Ampharete lindstroemi Hessle, 1917 (taxonomy source)
Amphicora fabricia (Müller, 1776) accepted as Fabricia stellaris (Müller, 1774) (new combination reference)
Amphitritinae Malmgren, 1866 accepted as Terebellinae Johnston, 1846 (additional source)
Anaitis kosteriensis Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Paranaitis kosteriensis (Malmgren, 1867) (original description)
Antinoe finmarchica Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Antinoe groenlandica Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Bylgides groenlandicus (Malmgren, 1867) (original description)
Antinoe promamme Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Bylgides promamme (Malmgren, 1867) (original description)
Aonis sensu Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833 [Not Savigny, 1822] accepted as Scolelepis Blainville, 1828 (source of synonymy)
Aonis foliosa Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833 accepted as Scolelepis foliosa (Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833) represented as Scolelepis (Scolelepis) foliosa (Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833) (source of synonymy)
Aphroditidae Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Arenicola marina (Linnaeus, 1758) (additional source)
Aricia cuvieri [auct.] accepted as Orbinia cuvierii (Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833) accepted as Orbinia sertulata (Savigny, 1822) (source of synonymy)
Aricia muelleri Rathke, 1843 accepted as Scoloplos armiger (Müller, 1776) (source of synonymy)
Ariciidae Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833 accepted as Orbiniidae Hartman, 1942 (additional source)
Artacaminae Malmgren, 1866 accepted as Terebellinae Johnston, 1846 (additional source)
Autolytus alexandri Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Epigamia alexandri (Malmgren, 1867) (original description)
Autolytus fallax Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Proceraea cornuta (Agassiz, 1862) (original description)
Autolytus incertus Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Proceraea prismatica (O.F. Müller, 1776) (original description)
Autolytus newtoni Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Epigamia alexandri (Malmgren, 1867) (original description)
Autolytus prolifer (O. F. Müller, 1788) accepted as Myrianida prolifera (O.F. Müller, 1788) (status source)
Autolytus prolifera (O.F. Müller, 1788) accepted as Myrianida prolifera (O.F. Müller, 1788) (additional source)
Axionice flexuosa (Grube, 1860) (additional source)
Brada granulata Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Brada inhabilis (Rathke, 1843) (original description)
Brada inhabilis (Rathke, 1843) (additional source)
Brada villosa (Rathke, 1843) accepted as Bradabyssa villosa (Rathke, 1843) (additional source)
Capitella capitata (Fabricius, 1780) (additional source)
Capitella fabricii Blainville, 1828 accepted as Capitella capitata (Fabricius, 1780) (source of synonymy)
Castalia arctica Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Nereimyra aphroditoides (O. Fabricius, 1780) (original description)
Castalia fabricii Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Nereimyra aphroditoides (O. Fabricius, 1780) (original description)
Castalia punctata accepted as Nereimyra punctata (Müller, 1788) (source of synonymy)
Ceratocephale Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Ceratocephale loveni Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Chaetoparia Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Chaetoparia nilssoni Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Chaetosyllis Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Syllis Lamarck, 1818 (original description)
Chaetosyllis oerstedi Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Chaetozone Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Chaetozone setosa Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Chloraema edwardsii Dujardin, 1839 accepted as Flabelligera affinis M. Sars, 1829 (source of synonymy)
Chone duneri Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Crithida prolifera (Müller, 1788) accepted as Myrianida prolifera (O.F. Müller, 1788) (source of synonymy)
Dasychone dalyelli Levinsen, 1883 accepted as Branchiomma bombyx (Dalyell, 1853) (additional source)
Dasylepis Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Acanthicolepis McIntosh, 1900 (original description)
Dasylepis asperrima (Sars, 1861) accepted as Acanthicolepis asperrima (M. Sars, 1861) (new combination reference)
Diplobranchus Quatrefages, 1866 accepted as Nephtys Cuvier, 1817 (source of synonymy)
Ephesia gracilis Rathke, 1843 accepted as Sphaerodorum gracilis (Rathke, 1843) (additional source)
Eriphyle Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Eunice Cuvier, 1817 (source of synonymy)
Eteone arctica Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Eteone longa (Fabricius, 1780) (original description)
Eteone islandica Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Eteone longa (Fabricius, 1780) (original description)
Eteone lentigera Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Eteone flava (Fabricius, 1780) (original description)
Eteone leuckarti Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Eteone longa (Fabricius, 1780) (original description)
Eteone lilljeborgi Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Eteone longa (Fabricius, 1780) (original description)
Eteone longa (Fabricius, 1780) (additional source)
Eumenia crassa Örsted, 1843 accepted as Polyphysia crassa (Örsted, 1843) (additional source)
Eunice gigantea (Lamarck, 1818) accepted as Eunice aphroditois (Pallas, 1788) (additional source)
Eunice norvegica (Linnaeus, 1767) (additional source)
Eunoa [auctt. misspelling for Eunoe] accepted as Eunoe Malmgren, 1865 (additional source)
Eusyllis Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Eusyllis blomstrandi Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Eusyllis monilicornis Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Eusyllis blomstrandi Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Flabelligera affinis M. Sars, 1829 (additional source)
Gattiola finmarchica Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Amblyosyllis finmarchica (Malmgren, 1867) (original description)
Glycera alba (O.F. Müller, 1776) (additional source)
Glycera danica Quatrefages, 1866 accepted as Glycera alba (O.F. Müller, 1776) (source of synonymy)
Glycera goesi Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Glycera unicornis Lamarck, 1818 (original description)
Halithea Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 accepted as Aphrodita Linnaeus, 1758 (source of synonymy)
Harmothoe clavigera (M. Sars, 1863) (additional source)
Harmothoe imbricata (Linnaeus, 1767) (additional source)
Hediste Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1776) (new combination reference)
Hedyle Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Perinereis Kinberg, 1865 (additional source)
Hedyle lobulata (Savigny in Lamarck, 1818) accepted as Perinereis cultrifera (Grube, 1840) (additional source)
Hermella ostrearia (Cuvier, 1816) accepted as Sabellaria alveolata (Linnaeus, 1767) (source of synonymy)
Hermellidae Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Sabellariidae Johnston, 1865 (original description)
Heteronereis glaucopis Malmgren, 1865 accepted as Nereis zonata Malmgren, 1867 (additional source)
Heteronereis grandifolia (Rathke, 1843) accepted as Nereis pelagica Linnaeus, 1758 (additional source)
Hyalinoecia Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Hyalinoecia tubicola (O.F. Müller, 1776) (new combination reference)
Hydroides groenlandica Mörch, 1863 (basis of record)
Iphinereis fucicola (Örsted, 1843) accepted as Platynereis dumerilii (Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833) (additional source)
Lagisca ehlersi Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Harmothoe extenuata (Grube, 1840) (original description)
Lagisca propinqua Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Harmothoe extenuata (Grube, 1840) (original description)
Lagisca rarispina (Sars, 1861) accepted as Harmothoe rarispina (M. Sars, 1861) (additional source)
Laonice Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Laonice (Laonice) Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Leanira yhleni Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Labioleanira yhleni (Malmgren, 1867) (original description)
Leodice Lamarck, 1818 (subsequent type designation)
Leontis Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Platynereis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Leontis dumerili (Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833) accepted as Platynereis dumerilii (Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1833) (new combination reference)
Lepidasthenia Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Leucia Malmgren, 1867 (original description)
Leucia nivea (M. Sars, 1863) (new combination reference)
Lipephile Malmgren, 1867 accepted as Perinereis Kinberg, 1865 (original description)
Lipephile margaritacea (Leach, 1816) accepted as Perinereis cultrifera (Grube, 1840) (new combination reference)
Lumbriconereis borealis Kinberg, 1865 accepted as Scoletoma fragilis (O.F. Müller, 1776) (source of synonymy)
Lumbriconereis fragilis (Müller, 1776) accepted as Scoletoma fragilis (O.F. Müller, 1776) (source of synonymy)

Malmgren (1867) oddly has Sars as author of "Nerine foliosa" in the species headline although Malmgren was well ... [details]


Audouin & Milne Edwards (1833) are historically credited with the family name, and their usage seems like a ... [details]


Malmgren (1867) credits Cuvier with the name Eunice gigantea, but this is not correct (as extensively discussed by ... [details]


While Malmgren is credited with authorship, much earlier Quatrefages (1848:50) had used the informal 'Hermelliens' ... [details]


As noted by Rouse & Pleijel (2001) the author of the first usage as a family should be Kinberg (1856), not Malmgren ... [details]

 Depth range

14.4-1110 m [details]

 Depth range

73-205 m. [details]


Original diagnosis by Malmgren (1867: 52): "Tentacula longitudinem lobi cephalici aequantia. Palpi cylindrici ... [details]


Original diagnosis by Malmgren (1867: 50): "Corpus sublineare postice attenuatum. Pedes per totum corpus aequales ... [details]


Original diagnosis by Malmgren (1867: 93): ''Corpus elongatum sublineare postice sensim paullum attenuatam. Lobus ... [details]


Arctic Ocean: off Spitsbergen.  [details]


The generic name Anaitis derives from the mythology, designating an Iranian goddess, 'Anahita', referred by the ... [details]


Malmgren (1867) has given a footnote to the heading of 'Ceratocephale' in which he indicates the two Greek words ... [details]


The name of the genus Chaetosyllis is composed by the New Latin word derived from the Greek chaeta, meaning ... [details]


The species is dedicated to Anders Sandøe Ørsted (= Anders Sandoe Oersted, or Anders Sandö Örsted), (b. ... [details]


Malmgren p.96 (book version of article, or 206 in journal) gives the derivation from Greek in a footnote. ... [details]


The name of the genus Genetyllis refers to the by-name of Aphrodite (Malmgren, 1867: 19), the goddess of love and ... [details]


Not stated, uncertain. Laonice could refer to the character Laonice, sister of Timagène and confident of ... [details]


"Λεοντίς, ή, nom. propr." (Malmgren, 1867: footnote on 52). Further details concerning the etymology are ... [details]


Leucia is derived from Greek. Malmgren gives a transliteration as a Greek word, but not the meaning. [details]


Malmgren (1867: 101) has a footnote giving a Greek alphabet version of Myrio Chele, but he does not provide a ... [details]


Prionospio is composed by the Greek noun prion, meaning 'saw', followed by the name of the genus Spio Fabricius, ... [details]


The species is named in honour of Professor Johannes Japetus Smith Steenstrup (b. Vang, Thy, Denmark, 8 March 1813 ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Chaetozone is feminine, as both Greek words are feminine and Malmgren used a feminine ending for C. setosa, the ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Feminine as 'chele' is feminine in Greek. This is consistent with the endings used by subsequent authors. [details]

 Grammatical gender

Feminine. Names ending in Spio, named after a female mythological entity, must be feminine, and Prionospio ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Scolelepis appears to be feminine as treated by Blainville originally (modifying 'squamosus' [sic] to 'squamosa' ... [details]

 Grammatical gender

Scolelepis is feminine, as treated by Blainville originally, and the code in Art. 30 gives -lepis as feminine as an ... [details]


Clay, at shelf depths. [details]


Fide Banse (1977) Ceratocephala Malmgren 1867 is preoccupied by Ceratocephala Warder, 1838, Trilobita (see Moore, ... [details]


Unreplaced junior homonym to Praxithea Thomson, 1864 in Insecta (Leiper, 1908 and Nomenclator Zoologicus p. 886). [details]


Malmgren (1867:101) used Ammocharidae for the two genera Ammochares (a record of Ammochares assimilis Sars) and his ... [details]


Malmgren (1867) replacement name for Northia Johnston, which is a junior homonym to the mollusc Northia Grey, 1847 [details]


Malmgren (1867:79) used "Spaerodoridae" [sic, in capitals with ligature ae] for the family name for Ephesia ... [details]


Malmgren (1867:107) created subfamilies off Terebellidae, but used his Amphitritinae (Amphitrite) instead of ... [details]


from the 1860's authors changed Grube's new combination spelling of Autolytus prolifera to A. prolifer, in ... [details]


Ceratocephala is incorrect. The original spelling was Ceratocephale. Banse (1977) explains the details. [details]


The correct (original) spelling was 'Ceratocephale' but 'Ceratocephala' (qv entry) became widely used, because the ... [details]


Malmgren (1867: 52) misspelled the specific epithet in the new combination as "dumerili". [details]


Unavailable subsequent 'improved' spelling by Malmgren of Naineris Blainville, 1828 [details]


The name Serpula contortuplicata has been used by various authors for various taxa, mostly for what is now Serpula ... [details]

 Taxonomic remark

The genus Chaetosyllis was described with base on epitokous stolons of both sexes.  [details]


Malmgren (1867:89) recognised that Aonis foliosa of Audouin & Milne Edwards (1833) was a Nerine (later a synonym of ... [details]


Malmgren used Hermellidae (apparently a modification of Hermellacea Grube), but used Sabellaria as the valid genus, ... [details]


The genus Laonice is established briefly by Malmgren (1867: 91), stating that the species Scolecolepis cirrata ''Ad ... [details]

 Type locality

Arctic Ocean, off the northern coast of Spitsbergen, far from land (geocoordinates not provided, estimated with ... [details]

 Type species

Type species Polynoe elegans Grube 1840 (by monotypy) [details]