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Porifera source details

Hooper, J.N.A.; Wiedenmayer, F. (1994). Porifera. In: Wells, A. (ed.) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Volume 12. Melbourne, CSIRO.
Hooper, J.N.A.; Wiedenmayer, F.
Porifera. <i>In</i>: Wells, A. (ed.) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Volume 12. Melbourne, CSIRO
Zoological Catalogue of Australia (CSIRO: Melbourne)
12: 1-620
Biodiversity, Taxonomic and ecological diversity
Systematics, Taxonomy
RIS (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite, RefWorks)
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2018-07-29 08:01:55Z
2019-05-03 03:51:32Z

Acanthella hirciniopsis Carter, 1885 accepted as Rhaphoxya cactiformis (Carter, 1885) (basis of record)
Acanthellina parviconulata Carter, 1885 accepted as Rhaphoxya cactiformis (Carter, 1885) (basis of record)
Alcyonium boletus Lamarck, 1815 accepted as Thorectandra boletus (Lamarck, 1815) (basis of record)
Alcyonium ensiferum Lamarck, 1815 accepted as Homaxinella ensifera (Lamarck, 1815) (basis of record)
Alcyonium epiphytum Lamarck, 1815 accepted as Protosuberites epiphytum (Lamarck, 1815) (additional source)
Alcyonium opuntioides Lamarck, 1815 accepted as Antho (Antho) opuntioides (Lamarck, 1815) (basis of record)
Alcyonium papillosum Lamarck, 1815 accepted as Phoriospongia papillosa (Lamarck, 1815) (basis of record)
Alcyonium purpureum Lamarck, 1815 accepted as Spheciospongia purpurea (Lamarck, 1815) (basis of record)
Alcyonium putridosum Lamarck, 1815 accepted as Oceanapia putridosa (Lamarck, 1815) (basis of record)
Alcyonium testudinarium Lamarck, 1815 accepted as Xestospongia testudinaria (Lamarck, 1815) (basis of record)
Allantophora ciocalyptoides (Dendy, 1897) accepted as Biemna ciocalyptoides (Dendy, 1897) (basis of record)
Allantophora ciocalyptoides var. reducta Hallmann, 1916 accepted as Biemna ciocalyptoides (Dendy, 1897) (basis of record)
Allantophora plicata Whitelegge, 1907 accepted as Biemna plicata (Whitelegge, 1907) (basis of record)
Allantophora victoriana Hallmann, 1916 accepted as Biemna victoriana (Hallmann, 1916) (basis of record)
Amorphinopsis megarrhaphea (Lendenfeld, 1888) (source of synonymy)
Amphilectus ceratosus Ridley & Dendy, 1886 accepted as Tedaniphorbas ceratosus (Ridley & Dendy, 1886) (basis of record)
Amphilectus munitus Whitelegge, 1907 (basis of record)
Amphimedon aculeata Pulitzer-Finali, 1982 (basis of record)
Amphimedon massalis (Carter, 1886) (basis of record)
Amphoriscus cyathiscus Haeckel, 1870 (basis of record)
Ancorina australiensis (Carter, 1883) accepted as Ecionemia australiensis (Carter, 1883) (new combination reference)
Ancorina corticata (Carter, 1879) accepted as Stellettinopsis corticata Carter, 1879 (new combination reference)
Ancorina robusta (Carter, 1883) (new combination reference)
Antherochalina concentrica Lendenfeld, 1887 accepted as Cymbastela concentrica (Lendenfeld, 1887) (basis of record)
Antherochalina perforata Lendenfeld, 1887 accepted as Clathria (Clathria) perforata (Lendenfeld, 1887) (basis of record)
Antherochalina tenuispina Lendenfeld, 1887 accepted as Echinoclathria leporina (Lamarck, 1814) (source of synonymy)
Antheroplax Lendenfeld, 1889 accepted as Thorecta Lendenfeld, 1888 (basis of record)
Antho (Antho) opuntioides (Lamarck, 1815) (basis of record)
Antho frondifera (Lamarck, 1814) represented as Antho (Acarnia) frondifera (Lamarck, 1814) (basis of record)
Aphrodite Lendenfeld, 1886 accepted as Hippospongia Schulze, 1879 (basis of record)
Aplysilla glacialis (Merejkowsky, 1878) (additional source)
Aplysilla pallida Lendenfeld, 1889 (basis of record)
Aplysina caespitosa Carter, 1886 accepted as Dictyodendrilla caespitosa (Carter, 1886) (basis of record)
Aplysina compacta Carter, 1881 (basis of record)
Aplysina elegans (Lendenfeld, 1888) accepted as Suberea elegans (Lendenfeld, 1888) (source of synonymy)
Aplysina grisea Lendenfeld, 1889 accepted as Dictyodendrilla caespitosa (Carter, 1886) (basis of record)
Aplysina higginsii Lendenfeld, 1889 (additional source)
Aplysina ianthelliformis (Lendenfeld, 1888) accepted as Suberea ianthelliformis (Lendenfeld, 1888) (source of synonymy)
Aplysina inflata Carter, 1881 (status source)
Aplysinopsis elegans Lendenfeld, 1888 (basis of record)
Ascandra depressa (Dendy, 1891) accepted as Ascaltis depressa (Dendy, 1891) (basis of record)
Ascandra loculosa (Haeckel, 1870) accepted as Clathrina loculosa (Haeckel, 1870) (new combination reference)
Ascandra osculum (Carter, 1886) accepted as Clathrina osculum Carter, 1886 (basis of record)
Ascute uteoides (Dendy, 1893) (additional source)
Aulena Lendenfeld, 1886 accepted as Dysidea Johnston, 1842 (basis of record)
Aulena villosa Lendenfeld, 1886 accepted as Dysidea villosa (Lendenfeld, 1886) (basis of record)
Axinella aurantiaca Lendenfeld, 1888 accepted as Ceratopsion aurantiacum (Lendenfeld, 1888) (basis of record)
Axinella chalinoides Carter, 1885 accepted as Echinoclathria chalinoides (Carter, 1885) (basis of record)
Axinella cladoflagellata Carter, 1886 accepted as Echinoclathria chalinoides (Carter, 1885) (basis of record)
Axinella clathrata Dendy, 1897 (basis of record)
Axinella coccinea Carter, 1886 accepted as Iotrochota coccinea (Carter, 1886) (basis of record)
Axinella crassa (Carter, 1885) (basis of record)
Axinella echidnaea sensu Ridley, 1884 accepted as Reniochalina stalagmitis Lendenfeld, 1888 (basis of record)
Axinella frondula Whitelegge, 1907 accepted as Raspailia (Raspaxilla) frondula (Whitelegge, 1907) (basis of record)
Axinella gracilis Lendenfeld, 1888 accepted as Raspailia (Raspailia) gracilis (Lendenfeld, 1888) (basis of record)
Axinella kirki Dendy, 1897 (basis of record)
Axinella obtusa Lendenfeld, 1888 (source of synonymy)
Axinella retepora (Lendenfeld, 1887) accepted as Echinoclathria retepora (Lendenfeld, 1887) (basis of record)
Axinella solida Carter, 1885 accepted as Rhaphoxya solida (Carter, 1885) (basis of record)
Axinella symbiotica Whitelegge, 1907 (basis of record)
Bajalus Lendenfeld, 1885 accepted as Halisarca Johnston, 1842 (basis of record)
Bajalus laxus Lendenfeld, 1885 accepted as Halisarca laxus (Lendenfeld, 1885) (basis of record)
Batzella inaequalis Hentschel, 1911 accepted as Strongylacidon inaequale (Hentschel, 1911) (additional source)
Batzella intermedia (Burton, 1934) accepted as Strongylacidon intermedium Burton, 1934 (new combination reference)
Biemna ciocalyptoides (Dendy, 1897) (basis of record)
Biemna microxa Hentschel, 1911 (basis of record)
Biemna plicata (Whitelegge, 1907) (basis of record)
Biemna victoriana (Hallmann, 1916) (basis of record)
Burtonispongia australis (Dendy, 1896) accepted as Chondropsis australis (Lendenfeld, 1888) (additional source)
Cacochalina globosa Lendenfeld, 1887 accepted as Haliclona globosa (Lendenfeld, 1887) (additional source)
Cacochalina macrorhaphis Lendenfeld, 1887 accepted as Haliclona macrorhaphis (Lendenfeld, 1887) (additional source)
Cacochalina rubra Lendenfeld, 1887 accepted as Haliclona rubra (Lendenfeld, 1887) (additional source)
Cacochalina truncatella Lendenfeld, 1887 accepted as Mycale (Arenochalina) truncatella (Lendenfeld, 1887) (basis of record)
Cacochalina truncatella var. mollissima Lendenfeld, 1887 accepted as Strongylacidon mollissimum (Lendenfeld, 1887) (additional source)
Cacospongia exemplum var. prima Lendenfeld, 1885 accepted as Thorecta prima (Lendenfeld, 1885) (additional source)
Cacospongia mollior sensu Ridley, 1884 accepted as Spongia (Spongia) hispida Lamarck, 1814 (source of synonymy)
Cacospongia tuberculata Poléjaeff, 1884 accepted as Sarcotragus tuberculatus (Poléjaeff, 1884) (basis of record)
Cacospongia vesiculifera Poléjaeff, 1884 accepted as Psammocinia vesiculifera (Poléjaeff, 1884) (additional source)
Callyspongia (Callyspongia) bullata (Lamarck, 1814) (basis of record)
Callyspongia (Callyspongia) rigida (Lendenfeld, 1887) (source of synonymy)
Callyspongia (Callyspongia) serpentina (Lamarck, 1814) (basis of record)
Callyspongia (Cladochalina) asparagus (Lamarck, 1814) (basis of record)
Callyspongia (Cladochalina) aspericornis (Lamarck, 1814) (basis of record)
Callyspongia altera Wiedenmayer in Hooper & Wiedenmayer, 1994 (original description)
Callyspongia annulata (Ridley & Dendy, 1886) (basis of record)
Callyspongia brucei Pulitzer-Finali, 1982 (additional source)
Callyspongia chalmeri (Brøndsted, 1927) accepted as Callyspongia (Toxochalina) robusta (Ridley, 1884) (basis of record)
Callyspongia exigua (Lendenfeld, 1887) (basis of record)
Callyspongia fungosa Wiedenmayer in Hooper & Wiedenmayer, 1994 (original description)
Callyspongia monilata (Ridley, 1884) represented as Callyspongia (Callyspongia) monilata (Ridley, 1884) (basis of record)
Callyspongia muricina (Lamarck, 1814) (basis of record)
Callyspongia osculata (Lendenfeld, 1887) (basis of record)
Callyspongia paucispina (Lendenfeld, 1887) represented as Callyspongia (Callyspongia) paucispina (Lendenfeld, 1887) (basis of record)
Callyspongia ramosa (Gray, 1843) accepted as Callyspongia (Callyspongia) nuda (Ridley, 1884) (basis of record)
Callyspongia raphidiophora (Lendenfeld, 1887) (basis of record)
Callyspongia relicta Wiedenmayer in Hooper & Wiedenmayer, 1994 (original description)
Callyspongia reteplax (Lendenfeld, 1887) accepted as Callyspongia (Callyspongia) ramosa (Gray, 1843) accepted as Callyspongia (Callyspongia) nuda (Ridley, 1884) (basis of record)
Callyspongia ridleyi Burton, 1934 (basis of record)
Callyspongia serpens (Lendenfeld, 1887) accepted as Callyspongia (Callyspongia) serpentina (Lamarck, 1814) (basis of record)
Callyspongia serpentina (Lamarck, 1814) represented as Callyspongia (Callyspongia) serpentina (Lamarck, 1814) (basis of record)
Arnhem Coast to Gulf of Carpenteria for Clathria (Thalysias) kieschnicki Hooper in Hooper & Wiedenmayer, 1994 
Arnhem Coast to Gulf of Carpenteria for Gelliodes ramosa Kieschnick, 1898 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Alcyonium boletus Lamarck, 1815 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Alcyonium ensiferum Lamarck, 1815 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Amphoriscus cylindrus (Haeckel, 1872)  (inaccurate)
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Aphroceras alcicornis Gray, 1858 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Clathrina densa (Haeckel, 1872) 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Gellius panis Lendenfeld, 1888 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Geodia erinacea (Lendenfeld, 1888) 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Geodia punctata Hentschel, 1909 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Leucandra meandrina Lendenfeld, 1885 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Leucetta intermedia Haeckel, 1872 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Leucetta omnibus Haeckel, 1872 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Leucortis elegans Lendenfeld, 1888 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Mycale aplysilloides (Lendenfeld, 1888) 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Mycale hentscheli Hooper in Hooper & Wiedenmayer, 1994 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Pericharax carteri var. homoraphis Poléjaeff, 1883  (inaccurate)
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Phorbas fictitioides (Dendy & Frederick, 1924) 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Phoriospongia papillosa (Lamarck, 1815)  (doubtful)
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Suberites difficilis Dendy, 1897 
Australian Exclusive Economic Zone for Suberites spirastrelloides Dendy, 1897 
Bass Strait for Leucetta pandora Haeckel, 1872 
Bassian for Aphroceras alcicornis Gray, 1858 
Bassian for Clathria (Clathria) echinonematissima (Carter, 1887) 
Bassian for Cribrochalina compressa (Carter, 1883) 
Bassian for Guancha loculosa (Haeckel, 1870) 
Bassian for Hippospongia elastica Lendenfeld, 1889 
Bassian for Hircinia (Psammocinia) rugosa Lendenfeld, 1889 
Bassian for Hyrtios altus (Poléjaeff, 1884) 
Bassian for Leucandra meandrina Lendenfeld, 1885 
Bassian for Phorbas tenuispiculatus (Dendy, 1896) 
Bassian for Phorbas uncifer (Dendy, 1896) 
Bassian for Rhizaxinella radiata Hentschel, 1909 
Bassian for Sycon gelatinosum (Blainville, 1834) 
Bassian for Sycon ramsayi (Lendenfeld, 1885) 
Bassian for Taonura byssoides (Lamarck, 1814) 
Bonaparte Coast for Stelletta purpurea Ridley, 1884 
Cape Howe for Eilhardia schulzei Poléjaeff, 1883 
Cape Howe for Fasciospongia flabellum (Lendenfeld, 1889) 
Cape Howe for Pseudohalichondria fibrosa Whitelegge, 1901 
Cape Howe for Taonura marginalis (Lendenfeld, 1888) 
Cape Howe for Tethya bergquistae Hooper in Hooper & Wiedenmayer, 1994 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Aplysinopsis elegans Lendenfeld, 1888 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Callyspongia (Callyspongia) ramosa (Gray, 1843) 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Callyspongia (Cladochalina) diffusa (Ridley, 1884) 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Callyspongia muricina (Lamarck, 1814) 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Carteriospongia silicata (Lendenfeld, 1889) 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Carteriospongia vermicularis (Lendenfeld, 1889) 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Disyringa dissimilis (Ridley, 1884) 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Fasciospongia rimosa (Lamarck, 1814) 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Haliclona reticulata (Lendenfeld, 1887) 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Ircinia irregularis (Poléjaeff, 1884) 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Leiosella silicata (Lendenfeld, 1886) 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Lendenfeldia plicata (Esper, 1806) 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Paraleucilla saccharata (Haeckel, 1872) 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Stelletta purpurea Ridley, 1884 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Sycon gelatinosum (Blainville, 1834) 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Tethya japonica Sollas, 1888 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Thorecta farlovii (Hyatt, 1877) 
Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef for Thorecta freija Lendenfeld, 1889 
East Antarctic Wilkes Land for Rossella vitiosa Wiedenmayer in Hooper & Wiedenmayer, 1994 
East Antarctic Wilkes Land for Rossella vitiosa Wiedenmayer in Hooper & Wiedenmayer, 1994 
East Antarctic Wilkes Land for Rossella vitiosa Wiedenmayer in Hooper & Wiedenmayer, 1994 
Exmouth to Broome for Clathria (Thalysias) cancellaria (Lamarck, 1814) 
Great Australian Bight for Clathrina densa (Haeckel, 1872) 
Great Australian Bight for Euplectella regalis Schulze, 1900  (inaccurate)
Gulf of Aden for Hyattella meander Lendenfeld, 1889 
Houtman for Ascaltis procumbens (Lendenfeld, 1885) 
Houtman for Clathrina grisea (Dendy & Frederick, 1924) 
Houtman for Ecionemia australiensis (Carter, 1883) 
Houtman for Grantessa boomerang (Dendy, 1893) 
Houtman for Grantessa intusarticulata (Carter, 1886) 
Houtman for Grantessa polyperistomia (Carter, 1886) 
Houtman for Grantiopsis cylindrica Dendy, 1893 
Houtman for Leucascus clavatus Dendy, 1893 
Houtman for Rhabdastrella rowi (Dendy, 1916) 
Houtman for Sycon gelatinosum (Blainville, 1834) 
Leeuwin for Echinodictyum mesenterinum (Lamarck, 1814) 
Leeuwin for Ecionemia australiensis (Carter, 1883) 
Leeuwin for Fasciospongia flabellum (Lendenfeld, 1889) 
Leeuwin for Fasciospongia rimosa (Lamarck, 1814) 
Leeuwin for Leucandra meandrina Lendenfeld, 1885 
Leeuwin for Leucosolenia lucasi Dendy, 1891 
Leeuwin for Paraleucilla saccharata (Haeckel, 1872) 
Leeuwin for Phyllospongia (Antheroplax) ridleyi var. meander Lendenfeld, 1889 
Leeuwin for Spheciospongia purpurea (Lamarck, 1815) 
Leeuwin for Stylopus oculifer (Hentschel, 1911) 
Leeuwin for Sycon gelatinosum (Blainville, 1834) 
Leeuwin for Synute pulchella Dendy, 1892 
Leeuwin for Taonura byssoides (Lamarck, 1814) 
Leeuwin for Tedania (Tedania) inermis Hentschel, 1911 
Leeuwin for Teichonopsis labyrinthica (Carter, 1878) 
Leeuwin for Thorecta farlovii (Hyatt, 1877) 
Macquarie Island for Leucascus clavatus Dendy, 1893 
Manning-Hawkesbury for Ascaltis procumbens (Lendenfeld, 1885) 
Manning-Hawkesbury for Cribrochalina compressa (Carter, 1883) 
Manning-Hawkesbury for Ecionemia robusta (Carter, 1883) 
Manning-Hawkesbury for Fasciospongia rimosa (Lamarck, 1814) 
Manning-Hawkesbury for Geodia (Geodia) nigra Lendenfeld, 1888 
Manning-Hawkesbury for Grantessa intusarticulata (Carter, 1886) 
Lectotype BMNH 1877.5.21.1965, geounit Leeuwin, identified as Phyllospongia (Antheroplax) ridleyi var. meander Lendenfeld, 1889
Lectotype BMNH 1877.5.21.1966, identified as Phyllospongia (Antheroplax) ridleyi var. typica Lendenfeld, 1889
Lectotype BMNH 1877.5.21.1967, identified as Phyllospongia (Antheroplax) dendyi var. frondosa Lendenfeld, 1889
Neotype BMNH 1881.10.21.266, geounit Central and Southern Great Barrier Reef, identified as Alcyonium testudinarium Lamarck, 1815
Holotype BMNH 1886.12.15.62, geounit Bassian, identified as Dictyocylindrus piniformis Carter, 1885
Paralectotype BMNH 1887.5.2.8, geounit Australian Exclusive Economic Zone, identified as Phakellia flabellata Ridley & Dendy, 1886
Lectotype BMNH 1887.5.2.9, geounit Manning-Hawkesbury, identified as Phakellia flabellata Ridley & Dendy, 1886
Syntype BMNH 1908.9.24.18, geounit East Antarctic Wilkes Land, identified as Caulophacus valdiviae Schulze, 1904
Syntype BMNH 1925.12.1.7, identified as Tetilla dactyloidea (Carter, 1869)
Lectotype BMNH 1931.6.25.8, geounit Leeuwin, identified as Phyllospongia (Antheroplax) dendyi var. digitata Lendenfeld, 1889
Syntype BMNH 1955.4.732, geounit Bassian, identified as Leiosella caliculata Lendenfeld, 1889
Syntype BMNH, geounit Tweed-Moreton, identified as Craniella coxii (Lendenfeld, 1886)
Syntype AM G8927, BMNH 1886.8.27.503, geounit Manning-Hawkesbury, identified as Callyspongia (Cladochalina) manus Lendenfeld, 1887
Holotype PMJ Porif. 79, geounit Arnhem Coast to Gulf of Carpenteria, identified as Gelliodes ramosa Kieschnick, 1898
Holotype AM Z51, geounit South Australian Gulfs, identified as Wilsonella oxyphila Hallmann, 1912

Australian Seas; Exact lotcality unknown [details]


type locality unknown [details]


unknown see Hooper & Wiedenmayer (1994), p. 238 [details]


Unknown, not in ZMB or PMJ. [details]


This combination is a junior secondary homonym of Chalinissa communis var. digitata Lendenfeld, 1887. Both are ... [details]


This combination is a junior secondary homonym of Cladochalina elegans Lendenfeld, 1887. Both are junior synonyms ... [details]


This combination is a junior secondary homonym of Chalinopora lamella Lendenfeld, 1887. Both are junior synonyms of ... [details]


This combination is a junior secondary homonym of Cladochalina mollis Lendenfeld, 1887. Both are junior synonyms of ... [details]


Hooper & Wiedenmayer (1994) assign Cacochalina truncatella var. mollissima Lendenfeld, 1887 to Halichondria without ... [details]


Designated by Hooper & Wiedenmayer, 1994: 177. [details]


Hooper & Wiedenmayer (1994: 138) misspelled this name as Histoderma polymastoides. [details]


This is a junior homonym of Rossella antarctica gaussi Schulze & Kirkpatrick, 1910 (in the same work). [details]


Hooper & Wiedenmayer (1994: 121) deemed this species unrecognizable. [details]


removed from synonymy with Tetilla dactyloidea (Carter) [details]


Hooper & Wiedenmayer (1994) assigned this combination to the synonymy of Ascandra loculosa[details]


Hooper & Wiedenmayer (1994: 292) considered this a junior synonym of Mycale sulcata[details]

 Taxonomic remark

considered as unrecognisable by Hooper & Wiedenmayer, 1994, page 184 [details]


According to Hooper & Wiedenmayer (1994) this is a junior synonym of Callyspongia (Cladochalina) aspericornis ... [details]


Hooper & Wiedenmayer (1994), p. 121, considered this to be Chalinidae incertae sedis. [details]


This is not Hippospongia mollissima sensu Lendenfeld, 1889, which has been assigned to a new name, Hippospongia ... [details]


Following Hooper & Wiedenmayer, 1994 p. 193, unjustified replacement name for Stelospongus implexa Ridley, 1884. ... [details]


Preoccupied by Spongia clathrus Esper, 1794. [details]

 Type locality

Indian Ocean (material lost) [details]

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