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Porifera source details

Laubenfels, M.W. de. (1932). The marine and fresh-water sponges of California. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 81 (2927):1-140.
Laubenfels, M.W. de
The marine and fresh-water sponges of California
Proceedings of the United States National Museum
81 (2927):1-140
Available for editors  PDF available [request]
Eastern Pacific warm temperate to boreal
Systematics, Taxonomy
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2017-11-24 12:02:28Z

Aaata de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Clathria (Microciona) Bowerbank, 1862 (source of synonymy)
Acanthascus platei Schulze, 1899 represented as Acanthascus (Acanthascus) platei Schulze, 1899 (additional source)
Acarnus erithacus de Laubenfels, 1927 (basis of record)
Anaata de Laubenfels, 1932 accepted as Clathria (Microciona) Bowerbank, 1862 (original description)
Anaata brepha (de Laubenfels, 1930) accepted as Clathria (Microciona) brepha (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Anaata spongigartina (de Laubenfels, 1930) accepted as Clathria (Microciona) spongigartina (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Aphrocallistes vastus Schulze, 1886 (additional source)
Aplysilla glacialis (Merejkowsky, 1878) (additional source)
Aplysilla polyraphis de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Astylinifer arndti de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Hymedesmia (Stylopus) arndti (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Biemna rhadia de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Chonelasma calyx Schulze, 1886 accepted as Heterochone calyx (Schulze, 1886) (additional source)
Chonelasma tenerum Schulze, 1899 accepted as Heterochone tenera (Schulze, 1899) (additional source)
Clathria (Microciona) pennata var. californiana (de Laubenfels, 1932) accepted as Clathria (Microciona) pennata (Lambe, 1895) (original description)
Clathria spongigartina (de Laubenfels, 1930) represented as Clathria (Microciona) spongigartina (de Laubenfels, 1930) (new combination reference)
Clathriopsamma pseudonapya de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Clathria (Wilsonella) pseudonapya (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Cliona celata var. californiana de Laubenfels, 1932 accepted as Cliona californiana de Laubenfels, 1932 (original description)
Cyamon neon de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Dercitus syrmatitus de Laubenfels, 1930 represented as Dercitus (Stoeba) syrmatitus de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Desmacella vagabunda Schmidt, 1870 (additional source)
Dysidea amblia (de Laubenfels, 1930) (additional source)
Ephydatia robusta (Potts, 1888) (additional source)
Esperella fisheri Laubenfels, 1926 accepted as Mycale (Mycale) loveni (Fristedt, 1887) (source of synonymy)
Esperiopsis originalis de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Clathria (Thalysias) originalis (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Eurypon asodes de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Clathria (Clathria) asodes (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Farrea convolvulus Schulze, 1899 (additional source)
Ficulina suberea accepted as Suberites suberia (Montagu, 1814) (basis of record)
Ficulina suberea var. lata (Lambe, 1893) accepted as Suberites latus Lambe, 1893 (new combination reference)
Gellius edaphus de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Haliclona (Flagellia) edaphus de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Gellius textapatina de Laubenfels, 1926 accepted as Haliclona (Gellius) textapatina (de Laubenfels, 1926) (basis of record)
Geodia mesotriaena Lendenfeld, 1910 (additional source)
Geodinella robusta Lendenfeld, 1910 accepted as Geodia carolae (Lendenfeld, 1910) (additional source)
Halichoclona de Laubenfels, 1932 accepted as Haliclona (Halichoclona) de Laubenfels, 1932 (original description)
Halichoclona gellindra de Laubenfels, 1932 accepted as Haliclona (Halichoclona) gellindra (de Laubenfels, 1932) (original description)
Halichondria panicea (Pallas, 1766) represented as Halichondria (Halichondria) panicea (Pallas, 1766) (additional source)
Haliclona cinerea (Grant, 1826) represented as Haliclona (Reniera) cinerea (Grant, 1826) (additional source)
Haliclona ecbasis de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Chalinula ecbasis (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Haliclona enamela de Laubenfels, 1930 represented as Haliclona (Rhizoniera) enamela de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Haliclona lunisimilis de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Niphates lunisimilis (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Haliclonidae de Laubenfels, 1932 accepted as Chalinidae Gray, 1867 (original description)
Halisarca sacra de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Hemectyon hyle de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Endectyon (Endectyon) hyle (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Hymenamphiastra de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Acanthancora Topsent, 1927 (original description)
Hymenamphiastra cyanocrypta de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Acanthancora cyanocrypta (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Hymeniacidon sinapium de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Hymeniacidon perlevis (Montagu, 1814) (original description)
Hymeniacidon ungodon de Laubenfels, 1932 (original description)
Iophon chelifer var. californiana de Laubenfels, 1932 accepted as Iophon lamella Wilson, 1904 (original description)
Isociona lithophoenix (de Laubenfels, 1927) accepted as Antho (Jia) lithophoenix (de Laubenfels, 1927) (basis of record)
Jia de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Antho (Jia) de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Jia jia de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Antho (Jia) jia (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Leucetta losangelensis (de Laubenfels, 1930) accepted as Leucandra losangelensis (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Leuconia heathi (Urban, 1906) accepted as Leucandra heathi Urban, 1906 (new combination reference)
Leuconia sagittata (Haeckel, 1872) accepted as Leucetta sagittata Haeckel, 1872 (new combination reference)
Leucosolenia convallaria (Haeckel, 1872) accepted as Ernstia gracilis (Haeckel, 1872) accepted as Ascilla gracilis Haeckel, 1872 (additional source)
Leucosolenia eleanor Urban, 1906 (additional source)
Leucosolenia macleayi (Lendenfeld, 1885) accepted as Clathrina macleayi (Lendenfeld, 1885) (additional source)
Leucosolenia nautilia de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Lissodendoryx kyma de Laubenfels, 1930 represented as Lissodendoryx (Lissodendoryx) kyma de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Lissodendoryx noxiosa de Laubenfels, 1930 represented as Lissodendoryx (Lissodendoryx) noxiosa de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Lissodendoryx rex de Laubenfels, 1930 represented as Lissodendoryx (Lissodendoryx) rex de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Microciona microjoanna de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Clathria (Microciona) microjoanna (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Microciona parthena de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Clathria (Microciona) parthena (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Mycale bellabellensis (Lambe, 1905) accepted as Mycale (Mycale) loveni (Fristedt, 1887) (new combination reference)
Mycale macginitiei de Laubenfels, 1930 represented as Mycale (Mycale) macginitiei de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Myxilla agennes de Laubenfels, 1930 represented as Myxilla (Myxilla) agennes de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Myxilla parasitica Lambe, 1893 represented as Myxilla (Ectyomyxilla) parasitica Lambe, 1893 (additional source)
Myxilla versicolor var. californiana de Laubenfels, 1932 accepted as Phorbas californianus (de Laubenfels, 1932) (original description)
Ophlitaspongia pennata var. californiana de Laubenfels, 1932 accepted as Clathria (Microciona) pennata (Lambe, 1895) (original description)
Papyrula saccharis de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Penares saccharis (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Paresperella psila de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Mycale (Paresperella) psila (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Penares cortius de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Plocamia igzo de Laubenfels, 1932 accepted as Plocamiancora igzo (de Laubenfels, 1932) (original description)
Plocamia karykina (de Laubenfels, 1927) accepted as Antho (Plocamia) karykina (de Laubenfels, 1927) (redescription)
Plocamia karykinos de Laubenfels, 1927 accepted as Antho (Plocamia) karykina (de Laubenfels, 1927) (redescription)
Poecillastra rickettsi de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Poecillastra tenuilaminaris (Sollas, 1886) (additional source)
Polymastia pachymastia de Laubenfels, 1932 (original description)
Poterion atlantica George & Wilson, 1919 accepted as Spheciospongia vesparium (Lamarck, 1815) (source of synonymy)
Prianos problematicus de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Neopetrosia problematica (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Prosuberites sisyrnus de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Protosuberites sisyrnus (de Laubenfels, 1930) (original description)
Rhabdocalyptus asper Schulze, 1899 represented as Acanthascus (Rhabdocalyptus) asper (Schulze, 1899) (additional source)
Rhabdocalyptus dawsoni (Lambe, 1893) represented as Acanthascus (Rhabdocalyptus) dawsoni (Lambe, 1893) (additional source)
Rhabdocalyptus nodulosus Schulze, 1899 represented as Acanthascus (Rhabdocalyptus) nodulosus (Schulze, 1899) (additional source)
Rhabdocalyptus tener Schulze, 1899 represented as Acanthascus (Rhabdocalyptus) tener (Schulze, 1899) (additional source)
Rhabdodermella nuttingi Urban, 1902 accepted as Leucilla nuttingi (Urban, 1902) (additional source)
Sidonops angulata Lendenfeld, 1910 accepted as Geodia angulata (Lendenfeld, 1910) (additional source)
Spheciospongia confoederata Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Spirastrella andrewsi George & Wilson, 1919 accepted as Spheciospongia vesparium (Lamarck, 1815) (source of synonymy)
Spongia idia de Laubenfels, 1932 represented as Leiosella idia (de Laubenfels, 1932) (original description)
Spongilla lacustris (Linnaeus, 1759) (additional source)
Staurocalyptus dowlingi (Lambe, 1893) represented as Acanthascus (Staurocalyptus) dowlingi (Lambe, 1893) (additional source)
Staurocalyptus fasciculatus Schulze, 1899 represented as Acanthascus (Staurocalyptus) fasciculatus (Schulze, 1899) (additional source)
Staurocalyptus solidus Schulze, 1899 represented as Acanthascus (Staurocalyptus) solidus (Schulze, 1899) (additional source)
Stelletta clarella de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Stelletta estrella de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
Suberites gadus de Laubenfels, 1926 accepted as Rhizaxinella gadus (de Laubenfels, 1926) (basis of record)
Sycon coactum (Urban, 1906) (new combination reference)
Sycon coronatum (Ellis & Solander, 1786) accepted as Sycon ciliatum (Fabricius, 1780) (additional source)
Tedania topsenti de Laubenfels, 1930 accepted as Hemimycale polyboletus Turner & Lonhart, 2023 (original description)
Tedania toxicalis de Laubenfels, 1930 represented as Tedania (Tedania) toxicalis de Laubenfels, 1930 (original description)
California for Ephydatia robusta (Potts, 1888) 
California for Meyenia robusta Potts, 1888 
California for Spongilla lacustris (Linnaeus, 1759) 
North Pacific Lower Bathyal Province for Poecillastra rickettsi de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Anaata brepha (de Laubenfels, 1930) 
Northern California for Anaata spongigartina (de Laubenfels, 1930) 
Northern California for Aplysilla glacialis (Merejkowsky, 1878)  (inaccurate)
Northern California for Astylinifer arndti de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Biemna rhadia de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Clathriopsamma pseudonapya de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Cliona celata var. californiana de Laubenfels, 1932 
Northern California for Desmacella vagabunda Schmidt, 1870  (inaccurate)
Northern California for Esperiopsis originalis de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Eurypon asodes de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Ficulina suberea var. lata (Lambe, 1893) 
Northern California for Gellius edaphus de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Halichoclona gellindra de Laubenfels, 1932 
Northern California for Haliclona lunisimilis de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Hymenamphiastra cyanocrypta de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Hymeniacidon ungodon de Laubenfels, 1932 
Northern California for Jia jia de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Leucosolenia convallaria (Haeckel, 1872)  (inaccurate)
Northern California for Leucosolenia eleanor Urban, 1906 
Northern California for Lissodendoryx kyma de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Lissodendoryx noxiosa de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Microciona microjoanna de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Mycale bellabellensis (Lambe, 1905) 
Northern California for Mycale macginitiei de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Myxilla parasitica Lambe, 1893 
Northern California for Ophlitaspongia pennata var. californiana de Laubenfels, 1932 
Northern California for Papyrula saccharis de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Paresperella psila de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Penares cortius de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Plocamia igzo de Laubenfels, 1932 
Northern California for Poecillastra rickettsi de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Polymastia pachymastia de Laubenfels, 1932 
Northern California for Prianos problematicus de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Spheciospongia confoederata Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Spongia idia de Laubenfels, 1932 
Northern California for Stelletta clarella de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Tedania topsenti de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Tedania toxicalis de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Tethya aurantia var. californiana de Laubenfels, 1932 
Northern California for Tetilla arb de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Wilsa hymena de Laubenfels, 1930 
Northern California for Xestospongia diprosopia (de Laubenfels, 1930) 
Northern California for Xestospongia vanilla (de Laubenfels, 1930) 
Northern California for Zygherpe hyaloderma de Laubenfels, 1932 
Pacific Coast of the United States for Anaata spongigartina (de Laubenfels, 1930) 
Puget Trough/Georgia Basin for Burtonella melanokhemia de Laubenfels, 1928 
Southern California Bight for Acarnus erithacus de Laubenfels, 1927 
Southern California Bight for Cyamon neon de Laubenfels, 1930 
Southern California Bight for Dercitus syrmatitus de Laubenfels, 1930 
Southern California Bight for Dysidea amblia (de Laubenfels, 1930) 
Southern California Bight for Dysidea amblia (de Laubenfels, 1930) 
Southern California Bight for Dysidea amblia (de Laubenfels, 1930) 
Southern California Bight for Geodia mesotriaena Lendenfeld, 1910 
Southern California Bight for Geodia robusta (Lendenfeld, 1910) 
Southern California Bight for Halichoclona gellindra de Laubenfels, 1932 
Southern California Bight for Halichondria panicea (Pallas, 1766)  (inaccurate)
Southern California Bight for Haliclona ecbasis de Laubenfels, 1930 
Southern California Bight for Hemectyon hyle de Laubenfels, 1930 
Southern California Bight for Hymeniacidon sinapium de Laubenfels, 1930 
Southern California Bight for Iophon chelifer var. californiana de Laubenfels, 1932 
Southern California Bight for Isociona lithophoenix (de Laubenfels, 1927) 
Southern California Bight for Leucetta losangelensis (de Laubenfels, 1930) 
Southern California Bight for Leucilla nuttingi (Urban, 1902) 
Southern California Bight for Microciona microjoanna de Laubenfels, 1930 
Southern California Bight for Microciona parthena de Laubenfels, 1930 
Southern California Bight for Myxilla agennes de Laubenfels, 1930 
Southern California Bight for Poecillastra tenuilaminaris (Sollas, 1886)  (inaccurate)
Southern California Bight for Prosuberites sisyrnus de Laubenfels, 1930 
Southern California Bight for Prosuberites sisyrnus de Laubenfels, 1930 
Southern California Bight for Rhabdocalyptus dawsoni (Lambe, 1893) 
Southern California Bight for Stelletta estrella de Laubenfels, 1930 
Southern California Bight for Timea authia de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Astylinifer arndti de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Clathriopsamma pseudonapya de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Dercitus syrmatitus de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Esperiopsis originalis de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Eurypon asodes de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Geodinella robusta Lendenfeld, 1910 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Haliclona cinerea (Grant, 1826)  (inaccurate)
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Hymeniacidon ungodon de Laubenfels, 1932 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Jia jia de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Leuconia heathi (Urban, 1906) 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Leuconia sagittata (Haeckel, 1872) 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Leucosolenia macleayi (Lendenfeld, 1885)  (inaccurate)
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Microciona microjoanna de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Microciona parthena de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Myxilla agennes de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Myxilla versicolor var. californiana de Laubenfels, 1932 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Prosuberites sisyrnus de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Stelletta estrella de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Sycon coronatum (Ellis & Solander, 1786)  (inaccurate)
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Tedania topsenti de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Tedania toxicalis de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Tetilla arb de Laubenfels, 1930 
United States part of the North Pacific Ocean for Tetilla mutabilis de Laubenfels, 1930 
Paratype BMNH 1929.9.30.5, geounit Southern California Bight, identified as Cyamon neon de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21383, geounit Southern California Bight, identified as Microciona parthena de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21412, geounit Southern California Bight, identified as Cyamon neon de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21413, geounit Southern California Bight, identified as Prosuberites sisyrnus de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21418, geounit Southern California Bight, identified as Hemectyon hyle de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21424, geounit Southern California Bight, identified as Dysidea amblia (de Laubenfels, 1930)
Holotype USNM 21427, geounit Northern California, identified as Anaata brepha (de Laubenfels, 1930)
Holotype USNM 21428, geounit Northern California, identified as Anaata spongigartina (de Laubenfels, 1930)
Holotype USNM 21434, geounit Northern California, identified as Aplysilla polyraphis de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21436, geounit Northern California, identified as Clathriopsamma pseudonapya de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21438, geounit Southern California Bight, identified as Dercitus syrmatitus de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21441, geounit Northern California, identified as Esperiopsis originalis de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21442, geounit Northern California, identified as Eurypon asodes de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21444, geounit Northern California, identified as Gellius edaphus de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21449, geounit Southern California Bight, identified as Haliclona ecbasis de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21451, geounit Northern California, identified as Haliclona lunisimilis de Laubenfels, 1930
Nontype USNM 21465, geounit Northern California, identified as Leucosolenia eleanor Urban, 1906
Holotype USNM 21466, geounit Northern California, identified as Leucosolenia nautilia de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21468, geounit Northern California, identified as Microciona microjoanna de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21475, geounit Northern California, identified as Ophlitaspongia pennata var. californiana de Laubenfels, 1932
Holotype USNM 21478, geounit Northern California, identified as Paresperella psila de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21480, geounit Northern California, identified as Plocamia karykinos de Laubenfels, 1927
Holotype USNM 21484, geounit Northern California, identified as Prianos problematicus de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21490, geounit Northern California, identified as Tedania topsenti de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21495, geounit Northern California, identified as Tethya aurantia var. californiana de Laubenfels, 1932
Holotype USNM 21500, geounit Southern California Bight, identified as Verongia thiona de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21510, geounit Northern California, identified as Jia jia de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 21515, geounit Northern California, identified as Wilsa hymena de Laubenfels, 1930
Holotype USNM 22058, geounit Northern California, identified as Plocamia igzo de Laubenfels, 1932
Holotype USNM 22059, geounit Northern California, identified as Spongia idia de Laubenfels, 1932
Holotype USNM 22060, geounit Northern California, identified as Zygherpe hyaloderma de Laubenfels, 1932
Holotype USNM 22061, geounit Northern California, identified as Hymeniacidon ungodon de Laubenfels, 1932
Holotype USNM 22062, geounit Northern California, identified as Polymastia pachymastia de Laubenfels, 1932

 Taxonomic remark

In Laubenfels, 1930 there is no description of the species, it is only a list. The species has been described by ... [details]


The name of the species Haliclona vanilla is in a list of species from Laufenfels, 1930 without any ... [details]

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